Friday, 14 March 2025

Hungarian Grenadiers

Here they are at last finished, based and battle-ready - the Hungarian Grenadiers. I'm very pleased with the way these have turned out.

The figures used are:

20 x AN.33 Grenadier, firing
3 x AN.30 Officer, charging (one converted to standard bearer)
1 x FN/6 (French) Drummer, charging (with head swop conversion)

And a short ECW update - below is the S-range ECW General (ECWC1) mounted on horse HCH5. The dog, gifted by Tony, is from Irregular Miniatures.

This could be Prince Rupert and his dog Boye although if it is I think he has been sold a pup as Boye was a poodle and this looks very much like a mutt.

I am now working to make up the numbers for the 51st Gabriel Spleny regiment after their grenadiers were transferred to the combined grenadiers.


Donnie McGibbon said...

You should be very pleased they look superb, very nice looking regiment, Prince Rupert and Boye are pretty decent too!

MSFoy said...

Lovely grenadiers, Ian - very pleasing. The general's dog - I am not an expert, but I think poodles look like that if you don't give them the poncey haircut. Nice, vigorous pairing!

Stryker said...

Thanks Donnie.

Stryker said...

You’re probably right Tony although the pictures of Boye I have found do make him look like a ‘proper’ poodle - he was apparently the original celebrity dog!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I like the facing colours on the back of the fur hat.

The Good Soldier Svjek said...

Superb looking unit !, nice and shiny

Duke of Baylen said...

These are very smart indeed. The lovely blue of the trousers [suitably embellished] make the unit for me.
I have the same horse and dog but not the general who looks so fine.
Congratulations on the grenadiers.

Stryker said...

Thanks Anon, there is some debate over whether the patches were in the facing colour or not but they make for a smart looking unit I think.

Stryker said...

Thanks GSS!

Stryker said...

Thanks Stephen. I was really please to get the S-range general as I never had one back in the day.

Rob Young said...

Looking good. I'd say it's a good army but being Austrians probably stick the word 'looking' between good and army!

Stryker said...

Thanks Rob. From memory I believe that Bruce Quarrie’s old rules with ‘national characteristics’ were pretty down on the Austrians and it took them two whole turns to change formation. Perhaps not really justified but might make for an interesting game!

the Archduke said...

I believe Napoleon slapped down anyone dissing the Austrians after Aspern....just saying....The new regiment looks, and undoubtedly will be, glorious.

Stryker said...

I think so Nigel, even Mrs S is impressed!

Wellington Man said...

This is all very inspiring stuff, Ian! What a cracking regiment. That's a very fine boye you've got there too.
Best regards, WM

Stryker said...

Thanks WM.

Matt said...

Very nice indeed. You have to love white uniforms.

Rob said...

The different facings really make for rather a special looking unit. It’s great see from your comment about now bringing the Spleny regiment back up to strength that you’ve really got the Austrian bit between teeth.

Aly Morrison said...

A lovely looking unit indeed Ian…
All the best. Aly

Stryker said...

And bearskins of course…

Stryker said...

Thanks Rob, it’s Austrians all the way here at the moment!

Stryker said...

Cheers Aly!

David said...

Beautiful grenadiers Ian. I love the lollipop swirls on the back of the bearskins. Very glad you opted for the facing colour there. As for Boye, I used to play a good deal of ECW period DBx with my friend Terry. I can't tell you how many times I went for Boye, just so I could rib him about having roast poodle with the lads after the battle...

Stryker said...

Glad you like them David. Going for the dog - that’s so sneaky!