Saturday 29 March 2014

Veterans (Off Topic #23)

Having settled down for a painting session this week I decided instead to sort through my soldier cupboard (yes I have a whole cupboard to myself) and I chanced upon my 28mm Gripping Beast Carthaginians. They were looking a bit sad crammed into a plastic storage box with a few shields and spears drifting around in the bottom so I thought I’d better get them out and give them some TLC.

Veterans supported!

Some of my other Punic War figures have featured briefly on this blog before (click here) but I was never really happy with the Warhammer bases I put them on – I just don’t like thick bases – so when we moved house a few years back I de-based them and stuck them in the cupboard. I had a vague idea of re-basing them some day on plasticard but the prospect of cutting up all those little squares put me off.

 "Blimey I feel like a right Nellie - some of them there frogs av' got round behind us!"

Then by chance I came across the Renedra website and ordered some of their 20mm square plastic bases together with a bigger one for Nellie (I have to say that their service is fantastic – ordered Monday evening, delivered Wednesday). The lads are looking much happier now they are upright again and I hope soon to have them back in full fighting trim.

Sunday 2 March 2014

A small parade

I managed to get the new 105th ligne based up over the weekend and here they are parading on the dining room table along with their chums from the 45th. Marshal Grouchy is out in front putting them through their paces.

When I finally get the Old Guard Grenadiers finished I will have a total of 7 French infantry battalions (well not all strictly French as this total includes the Poles and Swiss) plus the various skirmisher companies – quite a respectable army and way beyond the size of force I had imagined at the start of this project.

Now for a little quiz – what dubious honour do both these French regiments share?