The troopers are all BRN/17 Death's Head Hussars charging.
The back row are the figures painted by myself, Tony's are in
the front row including the trumpeter on the white horse. | | | | |
After our recent battle, as he was packing his soldiers away, Tony unexpectedly offered me his unit of Brunswick Hussars which he claimed to have no further use for. Now I wouldn’t normally accept payment for umpiring a game (well, not
after the event anyway) but these were genuine vintage Hinton Hunt castings and already painted to an excellent standard so I said yes please!
This little windfall has meant I have been able to expand my existing 6-figure squadron to a full 12-figure unit which had been on my wish-list for quite a while. Tony’s style of painting and the colours he used have blended in incredibly well with my own figures with just a couple of very minor tweaks. I have to say I am chuffed with the result.
Tony’s troopers included a nicely converted trumpeter and a rather splendid commander figure. The commander is converted from
BN/252 Earl of Uxbridge and rides a
Les Higgins horse. I will be using this figure to represent Colonel Elias Olfermann who took command of the Brunswick Corps following the death of the Duke of Brunswick at Quatre Bras.