Friday 31 May 2024

Wellington and his chums

Having painted the Cavalry Staff Trooper a few weeks ago I can now hold a full review of the Duke's staff. They may not be quite as glittering as those of the enemy but I hope you like them all the same.

BN/250 The Duke of Wellington in blue frock coat (on horse BNH/10)
BN/107 British General (mounted) pointing
BN/251 Lieut-Gen. Lord Hill in general's uniform holding his cock hat (on horse BNH/11)
BN/252 Lieut-Gen. The Earl of Uxbridge in Hussar uniform and shako (on horse BNH/12) - painted by Matt G
BN/253 Lieut-Gen. Sir Thomas Picton in top hat and tail coat (on horse BNH/11) - yes, I know he should't have a red coat but this is what it says on the painting instruction sheet!
BN/254 Lieut-Gen. Charles, Count von Alten in General's full dress uniform (on horse BNH/11) - painted by WM 
BN/255 Lieut-Gen. Sir Stapleton Cotton in Hussar uniform and busby (on horse BNH/13)
BNH/256 Maj.Gen. G. Cooke, commanded 1st (Guards) Div. at Waterloo in general's uniform (on horse BNH/11)
BN/257 Maj.Gen. Sir William Ponsonby, wearing a long riding coat over uniform (on horse BNH/11)
BN/261 A.D.C in cocked hat, holding letter (on horse BNH/11)
BN/264 Cavalry Staff CorpsTrooper carrying letter (on horse BNH/4) 
BRN/30 The Duke of Brunswick, in Death's Head shako and braided coat (on horse BNH/11) 
DN/30 H.R.H The Prince of Orange, in hussar jacket, full trouser and waving his cocked hat (on horse DNH/1)

I say 'full review' however I am still missing one figure DN31 Dutch-Belgian General. If I ever turn one up I'll edit him in to the post.

Friday 10 May 2024

More Allies for the Duke

Having completed the Belgians I decided I need one more unit of  allies for the Anglo-Dutch OOB. As I now have Belgians, Nassauers and Brunswickers I fancied a go at some Hanoverians. I know that bascially they are the same as British line but I do like painting units in red and as I have a fair few castings in the lead-pile it's a no-brainer.

BN/3. Private (casual pose)

I like this pose and have been wanting to paint a full unit of them for a while. This was one of the first British figures to be sculpted for the Hinton Hunt Napoleonic range and is very slender compared with later offerings but possesses bags of charm in my opinion.

On a different topic, I have recently gone through my collection of Miniature Warfare Magazines I bought in the period 1968 to 1974. I don't have every issue but there are many articles that I found inspiring back then and it is quite a task to plough through them looking for something in particular so I have taken the time to index my favourites.

During this process I found the advert below that I find intriguing.

This appeared in the October 1973 issue

I can't remember ever seeing any photos or other information on this event - anyone have any info?

Finally, if Hinton Hunt painting is a little slow here over the next couple of weeks it will be because I have embarked on a crazy solo refight of Gettysburg over on my ACW blog (click here).

Thursday 2 May 2024

Cavalry Staff Corps Trooper (Mark II)

Until Rob commented that he thought my Staff Trooper should have a red uniform I hadn't even realised that a Cavalry Corps Staff Trooper was a thing. I should have known better of course because why else would Marcus Hinton have included one in the 'personality figure' range.

BN/264 Cavalry Corps Staff Trooper carrying letter (horse BNH/4)

Looking at Wikipedea (which I should have done in the first place) I see that the corps was formed as a forerunner to the Royal Military Police. The aim being to crack down on criminal behaviour and desertion during the Peninsular War.

I did read that to start with the troopers probably wore their usual uniform so my original figure with light dragoon uniform is still ok.

Every day is a school day in the Hinton Hut.