Goya noted some time ago that in my rules Muskets & Marshals columns will invariably succeed in an attack against line. Being an admirer of Wellington (he has every army in 20mm vintage except French) he found this a bit hard to swallow and even went as far as to send me a clever spreadsheet that would calculate the odds. I can’t remember the outcome exactly, but I think it was that columns would triumph 9 times out of 10.
I do agree that in a straight-out column against line scenario this is probably correct but in full blown battle where other factors interfere my hope is that the odds are better. I’m heartened to recall that in the
Vintage Waterloo game 7 units of Imperial Guard failed to dislodge the British from the ridge. Ok, so the British had a plus for being on a hill and another for being behind a hedge (never did understand where that hedge came from) and had suffered very few casualties from the French artillery but that’s my point – other factors come into play that stop the outcome being totally predictable.
So, to prove or disprove Goya’s Theory I set up the table to play a small column vs. line scenario. An Allied brigade in line held a ridge facing a French division in column trying to force them off. This is how it played out -
Uxbridge has a brigade of British infantry in line on a ridge with the Black Watch on the right and Brunswickers on the left. The British have one battery of field artillery. Across the valley Eugene has four columns of French infantry supported by two gun batteries. |
By the time the French get within charging distance they have taken quite a few casualties but their morale is holding well. The British haven't taken a single casualty yet. |
Drat, that Goya is right! The Swiss have successfully charged and routed the Brunswickers whilst on the opposite flank the 9th legere have broken the Black Watch. In the centre the Poles have been disordered by some rather devastating canister fire while the 45th ligne remain in good order. |
I played the game through 5 times with a total of 10 French column attacks taking place. The columns succeeded in breaking the lines 7 times, a slightly better result for line than the theory suggested but still showing that Goya is basically correct.
I plan to expand the test scenario to include other factors like more artillery, cavalry threatening the flanks of the columns, skirmishers etc. to see if the odds can be evened up. I’m a bit loath at this stage to tinker around with morale and melee factors as this could have unforeseen effects on the balance of the game elsewhere.