Friday 18 September 2020

Austrian update and a Jingling Johnny

I now have a total of 16 figures finished for the 59th Jordis Regiment. It has been a great boost to production to have had the sneaky head start.

This week I was very pleased to receive from Tony a Miniature Figurines S-range Imperial Guard marching band. These charming (and nicely painted) figures were part of the collection of the late Eric Knowles and as Tony already has one, he kindly passed them on to me.

I vaguely remember seeing these on the Minifigs list back in the day and I think there may even have been a photo in the catalogue, so it has been interesting to see them in the flesh. Back in the 70s there is no way I would have spent my pocket money on non-combatants so it will be a real luxury to add these now to my Hinton Hunt Imperial Guard. I’m thinking +1 to morale for all French units within 18”?

 If you don’t know what a Jingling Johnny is then Google it – I had to!

Friday 11 September 2020

Where’s Werner?

A few years ago, I was gifted some Austrian figures that included nine marching Hinton Hunts. These had been painted for the previous owner in a style that very closely matches my own, so I was loath to strip the old paint. Instead I decided to try to adapt my painting to fit in with them with the aim of making as few adjustments to the existing figures as possible.

This mostly meant trying to match the colours as everything else was pretty straight forward. The lining on the cross-belts had been done in a way spookily like the lining on my own Austrian units, the colours are block painted without shading as I do, the only significant difference was the detail on the face and hands.

So, today’s quiz is - can you spot the figure painted by yours truly?

Friday 4 September 2020

Rearguard Action

As the Duke’s troops were still on the table, I couldn’t resist setting up a small game to let the Hertfordshire’s 'see the elephant' (I know wrong war but I like the phrase). It was a simple scenario – the British were acting as a rearguard and had to hold off the French for eight turns.

The British were deployed covering the road to an important bridge, the French wanted to take it.
Napoleon kicked off by advancing his right, with the 24th & 45th ligne taking the lead supported by the 1st Grenadiers of the Guard.
Wellington decided to launch a spoiler attack of his own by ordering the 11th Light Dragoons to charge. Fortunately the 45th ligne managed to form square - there would be no easy pickings of French Eagles today.
Meanwhile the French columns tramped forward towards a hill held by the 49th Foot.
Recovering his poise, Napoleon ordered a counter-attack on the Dragoons by the Guard Light Cavalry.
Whilst under the watchful eye of Lord Hill, the 49th Foot fired a devastating volley that dropped 6 Frenchies and turned their column into a disordered mass. All that training was paying off!
However, in the centre, the French cavalry had gained the upper hand.
And the infantry now attempted a passage of lines to bring the Old Guard forward but this just caused the Grumblers to become disordered!
Although things looked up again for the French when the Poles broke the 30th Foot with a spirited charge.
But at this critical point Moore led the Guards forward and with a loud 'hurrah!' they saw off the 9th legere. Behind the Guards the Black Watch moved forward to shore up the flank.
Whilst the Hertfordshire's charged down the hill to complete the victory - not bad for new boys!

Nice to have a British victory for once – there will be jubilation at Horse Guards.