One of the many gifts lavished upon me this Christmas by Mrs S was the
Wargames Foundry set of Napoleonic paint colours. This was perhaps a bit extravagant but I really like the fact that it gives a decent Prussian blue and Russian green (among many others) as these were both colours that I had found difficult to match using my existing paints. Now the clever chaps at Foundry included a ‘free’ 28mm British infantry figure in the set so of course I had to use him to test drive the colours.
Normally with my Hinton Hunt figures I block paint them reserving a bit of shading only for the personality figures. This means I don’t really get a chance to use the Foundry three shade colour system to its full potential but with this figure I was at last able to have a go. I actually found that it took me no longer to paint this figure than it takes to paint an average HH figure and I think this is partly because the detail on the model is so easy to follow (as opposed to the HH detail which is devilishly tricky). I really enjoyed painting it and would love to do a whole “In the Grand Manner” unit (all your fault Noel) but I have to be sensible as I’m already doing Napoleonic’s in 15mm and 20mm and to add in 28mm would be absurd, wouldn’t it…?
On a completely different topic, I have been clearing through the wargame room in preparation for our move and decided it was time to get rid of my hoard of wargame magazines. I have loads of them that I never look at and I don’t fancy lugging them back up the M5 (most of them were lugged down the M5 eight years ago). If anyone wants any old issues of
Wargames Illustrated or
Miniature Wargames please email me, as I am happy to send them to you for just the cost of the postage. I’m putting some on eBay but failing that they will be entering the Devon recycling system soon.