I said a couple of posts back that I was working on another personality figure and here it is - Field Marshal Blucher PN60 mounted on horse PNH1. I’ve had the figure of Blucher for some time but only recently acquired a horse for him thanks to Clive. Both figures are Clayton produced castings but the quality is excellent and if I didn’t know where they came from I would have been convinced that they were vintage figures. It does make me wonder whether David Clayton had much original HH stock when he took over production and if that became mixed with his own stock – does anybody know?
Painting this one was quite nostalgic for me as it is the only personality figure I had in my original collection. Of course I parted with that figure along with all my other original Hinton Hunt figures years ago so I’m really pleased to have him back. What’s also been very pleasing is that during my recent sort out I worked out that I have enough HH Prussians to build and army of 6 x 24 infantry units, 1 x 18 cavalry unit and 3 or 4 gun batteries. Over half the figures are Clayton castings and the quality of some are not so great but it does mean that I should be able to achieve the original aim of this project and recreate my old army. I only have to paint them of course – ha!

That clears the painting desk now until after the move – it’s still four weeks or so before we go but the next task is to pack my entire collection (and then the rest of our house contents of course).
Very nice Mr Stryker,
You've done him proud.
Look forward to seeing your Prussian army take shape (forward, get it, ahh I amaze myself sometimes with my comedy genius).
Careful on the move with all those lovely wee men.
Best regards
Lovely figure Ian, captures the man well I think. Great paint job too.
Good luck packing up those figures....now thats one job I would hate, hope they arrive safely.
Good luck with the move. The last time we moved i made sure all of my toys went with me in the car - which meant a lot of trips but everything arrived in one piece. Most of it has never been unpacked in the 5 years since - which might show how little i actually need... perish the thought!
Pack Blucher well - he's a cracker.
The key to whether its a Clayton or an original mould is generally the pouring points at the bottom of the base. Marcus Hinton cut in a V shaped or triangular pattern that came to a point at the figure and , if the metal did not flow he recut it aand thus made the V deeper and Wider. Clayton used a flat cut (or maybe a former in the mould) that gives a slim rectangular tab on the figure with a much wider, flatter stub left.
Its not at all impossible that Clayton had some original moulds. If so the command/personality figures with less volume sales , will have been in better condition and will have lasted longer.
Lastly Hinton used either a very riugid stiff metal or, more normally a metal like plumber's solder that was really very durable, but could be bent.
Claytons that I have either have a rater fragfile metal that btreaks on bending, or a rather soft metal that bends over easily. Occasionally he used a better metal so metal quality is not an infallible guie. Of course with the Blucher figfure or horses then metal quality is not really relevant.
Der Kreisgspeilers used a weak metal that bends rather too easily and oxidises to a very dark grey.
Oh Yes and its beautifuly painted, but shouldn't a white horse have some pink on the muzzle??
Hi Roy - You are of course right about the pouring points but the ones on this Prussian horse were identical to those on a vintage model. I know however that the model came from Clayton's stock. Perhaps you are right and he did have some original moulds. Many Clayton castings are pretty poor compared to the real deal but generally in my experience the cavalry seem to be better than the infantry.
I'm not totally happy with the finished look of the horse and you may be right about the missing pink. I don't really enjoy painting them very much to be honest. I may decide to re-touch this one - after the move!
White are the hardest horses to paint. Methinks you should [paint a very light grey and then highlight it with a brighter white. Better still grey, lighter grey then white. White horses ahe greyish hooves and pink around the muzzle. Don't outline the reins in black. Paint them dark brown with no outlining.
Paint the tail light grey, then wash with black to get in the grooves and then highlight bright white.
There is a guide to the horse painting process at http://www.deepfriedhappymice.com/html/ht_horses_daquin.html
Mostly though my horse painting is honoured in the breach so to speak.
Best Regards
The old Bluecher.... The mine is a personlity from Art Miniaturen leading his men with his pipe
Regards and luck with the house moving!
You have captured the old man's face beautifully! Good luck with the move (and unpack the figures and paints first!).
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