Tuesday, 18 March 2025

A Bigly Game at Goya's

Tony and I were most fortunate to be invited to a game at Goya's today. This was to be the last game at his country chateaux before moving to the distant coast for a well earned retirement. The theme once again was the War of 1812. Goya was acting as Umpire so Tony and I chose sides by rolling a D6 with the lowest score getting to play the Americans.

My British/Canadian troops advance towards the enemy. The rules used were a slighlty amended version of Mr Madison's War.
The Americans come forward. Their objective is simply to destroy the British force.
The column on the road and the gun battery are Hinton Hunt's. The rocket battery is manned by plastic figures which may explain why their first shot came back and knocked out one of the gunners to their left whilst their second shot exploded prematurely wiping out the entire crew!
I liked this rather nice mounted officer.
My lads form a solid firing line - I think these are Les Higgins figures.
My favourites - Airfix British painted by Goya as Belgians and now transferred to the American army.
The game was so Old School that it was almost as if Messrs Grant and Featherstone were in the room.
I'm not sure that's a great way to treat Native Americans but those Airfix boys sure can shoot.
Tony gets his men in gear and presses forward. The unit in front on the road are my own HH Belgians with a substitute flag provided by Goya.
There were a lot of fences which made deployment and movement tricky.
The battle in full swing with both sides blazing away at each other.
Gradually Tony gained the upper hand although the British were dishing it out too.
Some of my units were starting to break and run and Tony put all my artillery out of action causing me to concede defeat. I think we had played around 12 turns and it was great fun.
More Higgins types as Americans which I'm showing here because they were routing proving it wasn't all bad news for the British.

Hopefully there will more of these games once Goya has settled in to his new luxury coastal villa.


Rob said...

Outshot by Yankees, I trust you gave your little men a stern talking to.
When you refer to Goya’s villa on distant shores, are we talking foreign climes?

Donnie McGibbon said...

Superb looking game, what lovely figures on the table, great stuff. Rockets are so much fun in a game, seldom work out the way they should!

Stryker said...

Don’t worry Rob the shore is not all that distant and I’m hopeful I’ll be able to prise him out of his sun lounger long enough to play a few wargames!

Stryker said...

Thanks Donnie but my thinking is more in line with the Duke’s that rockets should be left in the baggage train!

Duke of Baylen said...

A most enjoyable report. The two cavalry units looked very smart

the Archduke said...

Hmm. Usually wise to agree with the Duke....Great looking game, but don't tell the Yanks just now. It will only encourage them

Stryker said...

They looked good Stephen but that’s about all they did as the terrain was too broken to make much use of them!

Stryker said...

Don’t worry Nigel, the battle may be lost but the war goes on…

Bob Spruster said...

A bigly victory in a bigly game. Fortunate that in this instance no one had to be advised to "never fight uphill, me boys!"

Stryker said...

Thanks Bob, as I always say fighting uphill is for losers and I’m not a loser! - Fact Check: I did lose this game.

MSFoy said...

Nice account Ian, and good photos. It brings it back as though it were yesterday - in fact it almost were(?). It was a shame the Native Americans left early - they added a lot of interest. I think I had a Lucky Dice day - not to worry - what goes around comes around.

Wellington Man said...

Hmmm. The Bladensburg Races this was clearly not. How distressing to see our gallant soldiery legging it like that!

Goya's wee men and retro terrain aesthetics are magnificent. I wish him all the best for the big move.

Stryker said...

Ah yes, the fortunes of war(gaming). It was an interesting battle made very tricky by all those fences!

Stryker said...

I must admit it was a bit disconcerting - we will have to keep our matches dry in our pockets for another time…

Matt said...

That is a wonderful sight!