I’m over the half-way point now for the 24th ligne with the addition of these two castings of
FN/247 Fusilier (marching). This brings the total of painted figures in the unit to fifteen. I only had two of this particular figure type however I still wanted to use them, so it seemed like a good idea to mix them in with their less hardy brethren in great-coats.
Last week I took part in an enjoyable ECW game at Tony’s where I joined him on team Royalist. Tony has posted a full battle report on his blog
here so I’ve just included a couple of photos that illustrate the flavour of the day.
Any game at Tony's is always a visual treat and this one was no exception. Beautifully painted figures with terrain styled to match, what more could you want? |
Quite a few of the figures in his collection are Hinton Hunt such as these ones. I don't know the name of the unit but they were annoyingly persistent in holding ground and repelling my cavalry. |
This is the Parliamentarian garrison in Nantwich. As you can see they are mostly Hinton Hunt and very fine they look too. |
The result was a victory for the King's forces which to be fair went against the run of play - they was robbed!
Looking forward to seeing the completed battalion, having a couple without greatcoats will be interesting as I expect it add visual interest to an otherwise less flamboyant unit.
Just fantastic, Ian!
I'm a little doubtful of your ID, though. Their sabre briquets and short gaiters make me think they're FN 73s: Young Guard Tirailleurs, marching. Is that a possibility?
The Frenchmen look excellent Ian. Lovely job, as ever.
The Parliamentarian Hintons with the yellow flag must be the regiment of Alexander Rigby. This unit appeared at Nantwich, Lathom House, the Bolton Massacre (where they suffered heavy loss) and (maybe) Marston Moor. Rigby was MP for Wigan - he was one of the jurors for King Charles' trial, but refused to make a judgement.
I don't think I ever had (or saw) any HH ECW drummers, so all my HH units have Higgins drummers. They seem happy with the arrangement.
Throwing in bucketloads of cavalry was fun, eh?
Rob, yes together with the grenadier company it should end up as a colourful unit!
WM - thanks, and you are right they are actually FN73 - would have been useful if I'd checked the codes on the bases, doh! They fit in nicely with the re-purposed voltigeurs which must have been what the original owner thought.
Tony, no wargame with you is ever complete without throwing away loads of cavalry!
Looking very good.
The Nantwich game looks grand too. I have been toying with the idea of an ECW collection myself. I have built up quite a tidy collection of unpainted Hinchliffe lead as a result!
Matt - Hinchliffe ECW are very nice figures would be great to see you paint some!
Very nice...
They are either very hardy... or someone stole their coats...
And a beautiful looking game from Tony.... as always.
All the best. Aly
Couple of figures minus greatcoats will add variation to the unit and of course very well painted.
Hi Ian- very nice looking ECW Battle- lots of 'Merit' trees which is rather nice. Cheers. KEV.
I rather like the idea of the odd unit with a bit of variation.
I have a bunch of FN 78 French Young Voltigeur Guard marching figures which are not great castings. I suspect copies but could be late HH as the quality was not great on them either.
Anyway I am thinking of painting these in a more hodge podge style with different trouser colours. I am thinking of a 1814 campaign look.
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