I think that the Hinton Hunt French marching grenadier figures are amongst the finest of Marcus Hinton’s sculpts and it has started me thinking about the unit of Old Guard grenadiers that have been languishing in the lead pile far too long.
Hopefully I’ll get the remaining three figures for this unit completed in the next day or so.
Yes, with you on the superiority of the marching grenadiers. Clearly you have in mind the Hungarians....I do admire the crispness of these chaps. Look forward to seeing the 24me in battle.
Nigel, actually the Austrian grenadiers are pretty good too!
Nice work and good progress - they'll be ready pretty soon at this rate.
Lovely work, Ian! I can vouch for the marching OGGs too if you're feeling the urge at last. They're absolutely gorgeous figures.
All the best
You are right, these are mighty fine looking fellows.
Thanks for the comments chaps!
Hi IAN- super painting there of the Grenadiers- well done! I'm about to start painting my British Foot Guards for my MARS 1860- hope to have them on the games table soon. Cheers. KEV.
Excellent looking troops, look to seeing them in action.
Super job, Ian - these gentlemen will be getting troublesome if they are confined to barracks for too long - you'll have to take some photos of training exercises.
Lovely toys indeed Ian...
All the best. Aly
Beautiful figure and outstanding paint job.
Thanks Kev, I'm looking forward to seeing your Grenadiers!
Tony, once their based there will of course be photos!
Thanks Paul, Aly and Mark, comments always appreciated!
It good to see that the Grenadier company are wearing their parade ground uniforms amongst the sea of grey greatcoats.
This unit is going to look interesting once its fully mustered.
More Old Guard! Fortunately I have plenty of Prussian Guard battalions in reserve.
Mark, yes in many ways I prefer my composite units and you never know quite what they will look like until finally based.
Sorry Goya but I can't leave these figures any longer as they deserve a lick of paint!
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