Last Saturday we convened at Tony’s for a re-fight of the Battle of Neumarkt using his C&CN variant Ramekin rules. Tony has already posted on the game
here so I'll just get straight to my own photos that hopefully captured the flavour of the day.
The Bavarians deployed in and around the town. These are all figures from Tony's collection and very smart they look too. |
Most of the Austrians were
S-Range Minifigs from Goya's
collection. They were backed
up with a few Hinton Hunt units
from Nigel and myself.
A look at the Bavarians from the Austrian perspective. |
It was quite a crush trying to fit in the French reserves as they poured over the bridge behind the town. |
The French infantry were all from Tony's collection. |
I love that church model! |
Bessieres arrives to take personal control of the field. The figure is the Hinton Hunt one from my own collection. I bought this figure from Tony via eBay many years ago (long before I first met him) so it was nice to be able to bring him to visit his old home - the paint-work is Tony's. |
A general view along the entire field, despite the number of units in play there is still a lot of empty space on the 10' x 5' table. |
The Bavarians were soon well
supported by French infantry.
The situation at the end of
play from the Franco-Bavarian side
of the table. In
the end weight of numbers told and the
Austrians had a creditable
This was the biggest game we have tried so far (we had over 20 Austrian infantry units) and I think we learnt a bit in the process about how to handle such large forces, Tony touches on the issues around the deployment of reserves in his blog-post.
Thanks to Tony for all his efforts in designing the scenario and preparing the terrain, it was another enjoyable game played in great company.
Lovely looking battle. Super neat & tidy too.
Glad you had fun!
Best wishes,
Another great looking table full of great looking figures.
I love the neatness of your battles. It makes the figures look even better, well done.
Very nicely done Ian - your photos are always better than mine! It was a good fight - pity about the humidity! Nice to see Bessieres again - I'm sure he didn't look as good as that when he lived here!
Lovely looking game Ian. Bringing Bessières 'home' was a nice touch!
Sadly Bessieres didn't have much influence on the game, not his best day!
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