Next I will be turning my attention to a unit of Silesian Hussars who in turn will complete the line up of the Prussian cavalry. I’m looking forward to doing this unit as these were the first Hinton Hunt cavalry figures I ever painted back in the mists of time.
Hopefully I’ll be posting a bit more frequently after what’s turned out to be a very busy summer (busy in a non-wargaming sort of way).
A month late? I count my missed deadlines in years! They are scrummy figures - what is the Silesian hussar unit - is a green or brown one (I think they only came in those two flavours)?
Very smart looking fellows. Good to see you back at the painting table.
They are great, Ian. The Prussians always seem to have had an instinct for making their soldiers look intimidating - I wouldn't argue with that lot, I can tell you. Look forward to seeing them in action!
Somber, but no less lovely! How you manage your flags is equally impressive.
Best Regards,
Very nice indeed, Ian!
All the best
Rob, it will be the brown one as this is the one featured in the HH painting instructions.
Stokes, the flag is an old paper one from Revo so not my own handiwork.
Gott sei Dank. Somebody else who uses printed flags. It was getting quite intimidating out there. Love the fresh white facings. Look forward to seeing hussars who are not Leib Hussars.
Cheers Nigel, I like to use the Old Revo flags where possible as I aspired to use them back in the day!
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