The building modelled doesn’t say classic English church to me so I was intrigued to find out that it is based on the old church at Bonchurch on the Isle of Wight. Interesting that Airfix chose this as the basis of the model rather than one with a more traditional Norman tower. I seem to remember having a plastic kit of a church when I was a kid but it certainly wasn’t this one.
This new church will be replacing my old Superquick one that has taken a few knocks during several battles and two house moves. I’m sure the vicar and verger will be pleased to have some peace and quiet at last.
This model is listed on the Dapol website as C029 Village Church.
I have attended services here!
That was the building that caught my eye (plus the windmill)! Give my Prussians something to fight over!
Well done for tracking down the model for the model if you see what I mean. Isn't it Saxon? So more English than anything Norman?
Benjamin - now that's cool that you've actually been there!
Matt - an excellent idea, you must get one.
Clive - I'm impressed with myself that I managed to track down the original, not sure how I did that! I guess you're right about the Saxon thing.
I finished my own a little while ago. The cross breaks off very easily. I'm still in two minds about how to represent it. Wire maybe?
It takes a building to raise a village.
You are amassing quite the urban warfare environment.
Send in the Guard!
Conrad - I fear that even that might not survive the excitement of battle!
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