As I had the Austrians at hand ready for the (temporarily delayed) battle of Raab I thought I’d take the opportunity to parade them in front of the camera. I hope you like them.
General Mack at the head of the Austrian division (as he would have appeared in 1972). |
The 51st Gabriel Spleny Hungarian regiment - the splendid Splenys. |
Musketeer regiment No4 Hoch-Und Deutschmeister.
The high command – Mack is still looking at his map
trying to find a way out of Ulm (Klenau and Gyulay were painted by Nigel).
These lovely hussars were painted by Don. |
Tyrolean Jagers - Yodel-lay-hee-hoo!
This is just about it for my Austrian contingent although I do have some more cavalry that may get painted eventually.
Excellent set of Austrians, like the hussars. often underrepresented in war-games armies, look forward to seeing how they perform.
Smashing! Great soldiers, inspirational pictures.
Very nice!
A joy to behold!
A wonderful collection Ian, I was not aware you had so many Austrians.
Second to none, Ian. Absolutely superb.
Best regards,
Thanks for the comments!
Magnificent Ian!
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