I’m normally pretty disciplined about the way I run my painting desk. The rule is ‘one unit at a time’ and even then I only paint in small batches – usually three figures at a time. However, since the start of the year I have quite uncharacteristically been drawn this way and that and currently have three Hinton Hunt units in progress.
A bit of a mess - too many figures on the go at the same time has turned out to be de-motivating. I had high hopes of cracking on and getting the Austrians finished by the end of February but so far have only managed to complete 6. |
The French 'Sailors of the Guard' are the ones I'm enjoying painting the most - nice colours and NO buttons. However, still only 3 completed. |
These are the ones I should really be painting - Prussian cuirassiers. I have 6 completed plus these 2 nearly finished. Each figure has to have 25 buttons and even with my new cocktail stick method this is still daunting so I'm tending to avoid them. |
And what the heck is this doing here? |
My hope is that at the end of this - a bit like waiting for a bus - all three units will be finished at the same time.
For shame, for shame! But the charm of these figures-in-progress far outweighs any problems brought on by a crowded painting desk. And was that an open Humbrol tin I spied in photograph #2?
Best Regards,
Stokes - I do use Humbrol but only as undercoat. The figures are painted with acrylics.
I'm a totally disorganised grasshopper of a painter - half painted figures and units all over the place. So your bit of a mess is my unachievable goal!
Like the thinking behind getting all three units finished, look forward to seeing these complete in particular the French marines, the three on display look very good.
Xaltotun - you've made me feel better already!
Paul - I really like the Marines too but I have determined to finish the curiassiers and Austrian infantry first, the Marines will be my reward!
The joy of having several units on the go is that you can say'Aha, today I feel like painting les Marins, or I am looking for something less demanding tonight so perhaps a few kaiserlichs. Its that ability to turn to the project that is appropriate to the time, the mood and mist impirtantly the enegy avaiable. You should start some Spanish Guerillas , they are the simpkest paint job of all.
Stryker, you have a sound plan. Definitely get the cavalry finished first. Your infantry will seem like a breeze afterwards!
Normally I don't mind having a few different things on the go plus some terrain modelling. The only exception was when painting a Division of Perry plastic Prussians - dark blue, dark grey, black. Total agony so no distractions could be tolerated until the pain was over!
One of these days I need to do some Russians, I guess at least you have a few different plumes....
That looks awfully like a plastic hussar there...
Sometimes it looks as if a bomb has gone off on my painting table , Tony
Thanks for the comments.
Conrad - yes, it's an Esci Crimean hussar. Every now and then I have to scratch the Crimea itch and I find painting the odd plastic does the trick!
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