I remember many years ago that John (one of my wargaming buddies from school) started an index card system to keep track of the exploits of our English Civil War regiments. This was a bit of fun to give the units some character on the table and was probably influenced by something we'd read in Featherstone or Grant. I suppose my blog lists are a 21st century version of this same idea.
You can find the pages by following the links towards the top of the right hand menu bar under the Rules & Stuff heading. You might also find it useful to use the labels for the various battles (below my blog list) for more details of the exploits of my troops. On the other hand you may have something better to do.
What a splendid idea-I think my Jacklex Colonial collection would benefit from such Regimental (and Screaming Horde) Battle Honours.
Glad you like the idea!
cool idea Ian
Thanks Paul!
What a nice idea - I think I might steal it for our upcoming ECW campaign. Reading through I think you might need to upgrade the Silesian Landwehr to veterans as they have fought through 4 battles in recent months ;-)
Stuart - yes they have fought four battles but were on the winning side only once and (I think) were routed in every game!
Just goes to prove Marshall Soult's point that good soldiers know when to run away. Dead guardsmen are no use to anyone.............
Unless you are the one left with the tronc.
lovely work there :)
Love the retro nature of all this and the similar Hinton Spieler blog - have downloaded Muskets and Marshals to try out but have a question - it says only units ordered to charge may melee but nowhere in the rules can I find out where orders are given. Do you use written orders with the rules?
Keep up the excellent work - Rob
Hi Rob - glad you're enjoying the blog and also Matt's excellent Hinton Spieler blog.
There are no written orders in Muskets & Marshals but at the start of each turn the players roll a D6 to see who has the initiative for that turn. The player with the initiative then declares all the charges he wants to make. The other player can attempt to counter charge on a roll of 4,5 or 6 if he wants to. Units that don't counter charge must stand putting them at a slight disadvantage in the following melee. Once the player with initiative has declared all his charges the other player gets a chance to declare charges with any of his units not involved so far.
If you have any other questions please feel free to email me - my email address is on my profile.
Nice post - I love the history side so I'm definitely going to be reading more.
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