Sunday 11 August 2024

Wellington's Allies on Parade

Having recently paraded Wellington's British infantry I thought that, for the sake of completeness, I should also parade his Allies.

There are 96 Hinton Hunt figures arranged in four units.
The figures have all been painted by me except for the Nassauers (Matt G).
Hanoverians in the front followed by Belgians, Brunswickers and the Nassau Grenadiers.

The first of these units (the Nassauers) was painted in 2010 and the last (Hanoverians) this year.

I guess this effectively completes Wellington's infantry giving him a total of 12 units to call upon. This doesn't mean I won't paint more in the future (no wargamer ever completes an army) but for now I intend to shift my focus to the Austrians.


Aly Morrison said...

Now there’s pretty…
That’s just how one’s allies should look…

All the best. Aly

Stryker said...

Thanks Aly, useful chaps to have in a tight corner!

Rob said...

Impressive. That should be enough to hold it Nappy until the Prussians arrive. So, Austrian (Hungarian) hussars next?

Stryker said...

Rob, you’ll have to wait until the next post to see what I’m up to!

Donnie McGibbon said...

Superb parade, lovely looking allies for the Duke, they all look great but I really like the Belgians, very nice indeed.

Stryker said...

Thanks Donnie, probably about time those Belgians saw some action!

Tiberian general said...

Very smart looking units, thanks for the Napoleonic eye candy treat.


'Lee. said...

Wonderful parade of vintage troops as always Ian.

Rob Young said...

I love parades.

Ross Mac said...

Very pretty troops but with a look of fighting (or dicing) soldiers

Stryker said...

Thanks Willz.

Stryker said...

Thanks Lee, It is nice to see the whole division assembled.

Stryker said...

Rob, yes who doesn’t!

Stryker said...

Thanks Ross, the Belgians and Hanoverian’s are yet to see action but I must do something about that.

Matt said...

A lovely little contingent. Looking forward to more Austrians.

Bob Spruster said...

Handsome! (x 4)

Stryker said...

Thanks Matt, the Austrians are already underway…

Stryker said...

Thanks Bob (x4)

Wellington Man said...

Shiny perfection!

David said...

This collection of figures sums up why so many folks model the armies at Waterloo. A stunning collection of military haberdashery!

Stryker said...

Thank you WM.

Stryker said...

I think as wargamers we are all drawn to it!