Friday 28 June 2024

Hanoverian Progress

Despite recent distractions and journeys down non-Hinton Hunt related rabbit holes I have been slowly working away at the Hanoverians. I'm actually at the point where I only have the officers and the standard bearer left to paint.

My painting source shows the musicians without reverse colours which makes for a bit of a change.

One of the 'distractions' that is Hinton Hunt related was the recent aquisition of these very nice Hungarian infantry castings. I've been looking to expand my Austrian army for a while but the lack of decent castings has been an issue so hopefully this will give me the shove I need to get on with it.

There are 12 x AN/25 Musketeer, firing and 12 x AN/27 Musketeer, marching.

I was a bit dubious about these as the photos on eBay showed the figures having very shiny new looking bases but having inspected them I'm happy they are the real deal.

Next week, if all goes well, will be the annual Muskets & Marshals game in the Hinton Hut. A full report will be posted here in due course.


Wellington Man said...

Your Verden chappies are looking very dapper. I love the musicians.

As for the other lot, what a fabulous find.

All the best

Rob said...

Two musicians! Those Hanoverians always liked a good sing-song. Smart paint jobs.
Also, great to see another Austrina unit in the queue - they need a bit more love.

Stryker said...

Thanks WM, more Austrians, what's not to like!

Stryker said...

Rob, the Austrians have been overlooked for a bit too long!

Matt said...

Very nice - I do love the drummer pose.

Donnie McGibbon said...

The Hanoverians look great, very nice looking unit and nice to see some Austrians as well, they look very decent indeed!

Stryker said...

Matt, the drummer is a nice little figure but my favourite is the flute player

Stryker said...

Thanks Donnie!

the Archduke said...

I've not seen BN3 in strength before. This is going to be a very distinctive unit. Looking at your beautifully painted musicians, I finally see why you think the drummer is so laid back. Who needs two hands? it's not as though I'm going to be beating a pas de charge...As to the Habsburgs, I'm with Rob.

Aly Morrison said...

The Hanoverians look lovely Ian…
It’s also good to see the Austrian expansion… these ones look like they have been painted straight onto the metal with no undercoat so hopefully it should be and relatively easy job to strip them….

All the best. Aly

Bob Spruster said...

High marks on the Hanoverians! And have fun bringing the Austrians up to speed. Maybe some Strauss on the stereo as you paint...could result in a dashing paint job!

Stryker said...

Nigel, I’m looking out my snow goggles in preparation!

Stryker said...

Thanks Aly and yes I’m hopefully the old paint will come off easily!

Stryker said...

Bob, either Strauss or the theme to the Sound of Music!