It was all going so well - 89 Hinton Hunt's painted so far this year and only 5 acquired. Then I saw a couple of lots of Minifigs S-range ECW figures come up at a bargain price...
This is S-range (as the saddle is attached to the rider) and the horse is marked LCH2. It could be from the Thirty Years War range or could be a remodelled ECWC3 (this is the conclusion that Clive came to on his Lone S Ranger blog). |
TYW3s Thirty Years War Officer - I had one of these way back when |
TYW4s Thirty Years War Standard Bearer |
TYW5s Thirty Years War Drummer |
Technically, as these are not Hinton Hunt castings they don't count towards the lead-pile reduction target, but in reality they are a bit of a distraction. However, this is not a major project but rather some light relief from Napoleonics and something to put in the display cabinet - honest!
They still have a certain style after all these years (50 + years ?)
They are lovely looking figures, I like the look of them, very nice.
GSS - I bought some in 1970/71 and shortly after that Minifigs ditched S-range and moved to a larger size which annoyed me somewhat as I ended up with a Royalist army with two sizes of figure!
Thanks Donnie, they do have a certain charm.
Distraction or not, I do hope you're going to treat us to some of these little beauties once you've painted them. I feel perfectly safe with these as having a big Hinchliffe ECW collection I'm not going to be tempted to do the ECW in another scale.
Come on! The collection deserves the "full treatment".
Two complete armies and a set of your own rules as minimum surely?
They do ooze that old school charm.
Rob, I will post some once they are painted but I don't expect the numbers to be quite on the scale of your collection!
Matt, I guess that is payback for me egging you on with your vintage ACW collection!
I was thinking ‘Matchlocks & Marquises’…
I love these early Minifigs pike and shot figures…
I remember George Gush using a lot of them in his Renaissance Wargames book…
So much charm…
I am looking forward to seeing them painted.
All the best. Aly
Aly, I was inspired back in the day by pictures of George Gush’s collection in Miniature Warfare Magazine so I’m really pleased to have these. Painting them will start soon!
This is a very exciting, Ian. We need to see Morion!
Ha ha!
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