I must confess that I seem to have developed a bit of an
FN5 Fusilier habit. I bought some last year but couldn’t believe when I checked
after Christmas, that so many of the ex-Neville Dickinson figures were still on
sale via Ian Hinds. I decided it was my duty to rescue them (as clearly none of
you lot were going to) and as you see I now have quite a few.
My justification is that they really are superb first-generation
castings with an excellent provenance and actually, the cost was only about the
same per figure as a modern 28mm casting so obviously it was a never to be
repeated bargain (that’s what I told Mrs S!).
There are over 80 figures here - enough is ENOUGH! |
Goya and I had another stab at C&C Medieval this week
and played through the battle of Solachon scenario. More great fun with his
15mm Sassanids and Byzantines and this time it was a much closer run thing
although I still lost. I won’t attempt a narrative but here are some pictures.
The initial set-up, I was commanding the Sassanids (nearest the camera). We both had lots of cavalry. |
My lads move forward! |
His lads stand firm! |
Finally a use for my pot of mini dice. |
Back in the box - Goya's painting detail on these is a joy to behold. |
I was so inspired by the look of the 15mm Ancients on the
CCM board that I broke out my own copy of CCN and tried out a set-up of the
basic Waterloo scenario using my 15mm Napoleonics.
The view from the French side of the board. The figures and trees give much more of a table-top battle look to the game. |
The British side. Most of the British figures are first issue Minifigs painted by none other than 'Dry Stonewall' back in the 80s. |
This idea definitely has legs and with the greater visual
appeal using miniatures I am much more likely to play a game.
I could be tempted into some of Neville's figures but I'm not knowledgeable to know what I'm getting - i.e. what is an elite company with sabre briquet and what is a fusilier w/o. Also there's no drummers or standard bearers but I reckon I can fix that myself.
Rob, most of the stuff left is not HH except for some charging grenadiers. If you want any help drop my an email with links to any you are looking at.
Your HH Napoleon must be feeling very pleased that there are another 80 FN5s in the stash!
WM, in truth the French are a bit undermanned in rank and file which is why they had to team up with the Austrians in the last game. My aim is to paint up at least 3 more units of Fusiliers to even things out!
Well those should definitely keep you busy for awhile. One of the most versatile figures around. Glad to hear of others having to rationalize their purchases to their spouses. It's an under-valued skill! I confessed to spending about 30 pounds for figures the other day, to which my wife responded - "I love that your idea of extravagance is spending 40 bucks on some little metal guys." Have to love her!
David, yes there are worse things we could spend our money on I guess!
You can never have too many FN5s. The CCN with figures and trees looks nice. Have you thought of trying it with 20mm figures?
If my OH ever wants to dispose of my vintage 20mm collection, someone will be getting an absolute bargain if she sells them for what I said I'd spent!
I have no memory of painting those British minifigs (but then again I don’t remember what I had for breakfast), although I can see they are done in my ‘style’ . . .!
Yes, I imagine Mrs S was impressed by the savings. The Archduchess is extremely tolerant of my purchasing foibles. I haven't yet summoned up the courage to reveal my calculation that, if my eyesight and manual steadiness hold out, at present rates of painting, I should be finished by the age of 110.
Mark, for 20mm I think I would want bigger units which means a larger hex mat and then scenery etc which would be quite a commitment. The idea is for a simple setup for a quick game or even for solo play.
Mojo, that was a very clever move!
DS, they were painted at the same time as the 15mm ACW but we never played any games with them which is probably why you can’t remember!
Nigel, only 110? Frankly I'm quite surprised at that!
Hmm. You're right, Ian. I need to buy more soldiers.
Pre COVID, my friend Ron and I used to play modified C&C on his table full of Hexon hexes, in various periods. Simplified things and always made it to an end in a reasonable time.
A splendid purchase Ian… I would consider these to be essential supplies… so there is no need for any kind of justification.
The CCM/CCN games really come to life with the addition of some toys.
All the best. Aly
Ross, the Hexon idea is tempting as their system is very pleasing to the eye - maybe some day!
Aly, "essential" that was exactly my thinking!
May the madness go on!
It keeps us off the streets and out of trouble after all.
Matt - good point!
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