Now I finally have a permanent wargame table I thought it was time I held the long overdue review of the Prussian army.
Marshal Vorwarts and his team of glittering generals. |
The infantry - 3x musketeer battalions, 1x fusiliers, 1x Jager, 1x Guard and 2x Landwehr. |
The cavalry - 1x Cuirassier, 1x Dragoons, 1x Hussars, 1x Lancers. |
The artillery - 4x battery and 1x limber |
The entire army. |
Hinton Hunt Prussian army started 2009 and completed 2019. Foot figures 216, mounted figures 57, 4 guns, 4 limber horses, 1 limber - total 282 pieces.
Stunning! What a wonderful collection! You really can see the painstaking effort that has gone into this labour of love. Congratulations!
A great army - thanks for the parade, the staff group is absolutely stunning!
Thanks Dopplebock, it has taken a fair bit of time and effort but I'm pleased with the result.
Cheers Rob, the staff do look like they mean business!
Your labour of love looks simply fantastic!
A stunning sight. Enough to stir the heart of any opponent of the Corsican Ogre. Mit Gott fur Koing und Vaterland.
It is a thing of perfection, Ian. Absolutely wonderful.
Congratulations too on the fulfillment of your ambition. All you have to do now is just remember not to sell it this time in a fit if absentmindedness.
All the very best
Nice, love a good Review.
Thanks Matt!
Thanks Neil, time for me to paint some more French I guess!
WM, yep definitely not for sale!
Delectable mate!, The ten year timeline is a bit misleading as you have done many other units.
A question is there enough Reserve Infantry in the mix?
Thanks Roy, a lack of available figures was also a factor! I think I have enough of everything thanks or do I?
Well done IAN on the Prussians- Ten years is a long time- and you've certainly shown how 'to stick to your guns' - so to speak.
What a lovely parade, impressive and beautiful Prussian army!
Thanks Kev and Phil!
Well worth they wait, they look amazing.
I dont think there can be anything more exciting to a wargamer as when they finally have their own table and can finally review some of their soldiers. Enjoy the wonderful moment and well done.
It's all been said above already! What a stirring sight to behold, beautiful figures, beautifully painted AND shiny, what more could one ask for :)
Yes indeed! A beautiful collection of figures and units.
Best Regards,
They look fantastic all lined up on parade.
I am planning to concentrate on my Prussian army next year and I can only hope they will look as good as yours.
Are the flags Revo 25mm ones ?
Thanks for all the comments - much appreciated!
Mark - the paper flags are all Revo 25mm but they're getting hard to find.
Fabulous army, Ian - absolutely first class. Wunderschön!
Thanks Tony!
Are you sure the Prussian army is finished? Really? No chance you might see some obscure HH figures on ebay that would put the cherry on the cake?
The Guard figures with the unfeasibly large shako plumes are my favourite. If I was a young French conscript waiting on the reverse slope and I saw those plumes coming over the ridge I'd probably leg it back to Maman tout suite. Probably worth +1 on the morale dice.
I can't make out the label - who's the officer between Bülow and Müffling?
Mojo - the only troops i am missing are the Garde cavalry so never say never I guess!
Rob - that's Hillier!
Sorry but you are missing a reserve infantry battalion of Portuguese painted as Prussians . You could also do a RIR of Russians in greatcoats with flat caps replacing the kiwer, ir Prussian covered shakos on a greatcoat figure. Hell you coukd just use the Prussian line infantry with the coat painted grey. Is not technically correct, but no one would notice as I don’t think the RIR had tails on their jacket. Of course you coukd follow Wellington Man’s shining example and do Lutzow, or even tge Russisches Deutsches legion.
My God Ian that army is only half done!
The only Hillier I know is Austrian, is he an emigre or a different Prussian Hillier?
That's not Hiller, is it? He's definitely not emigrated from my desk..........Looking forward to saluting this splendid army which, for the sake of Ian's sanity, looks complete to me....
Roy, there you go egging me on! Hmm, I think I do have some Portuguese somewhere...
Rob, it's actually Colonel Hiller (not Hillier as I wrote) who commanded the 16th brigade at Waterloo.
Thanks Nigel!
Looks like they use regular Prussian officers for the Portuguese uniformed RIR. Quaint how the British contractors have put bastion ended lace on the front.
Definitely need a Prussian reserve regiment in stovepipe shakos. The lace was removed in the field so you can use them as Prussians, Portuguese, Spanish and at a push Dutch 1815 Militia (although they really should have grey trousers)- the universal soldier!
I do have some Clayton Portuguese in stovepipe so that's a possibility once I've finished the Russians, Austrians, Dutch Belgians, British and, oh yes, the French!
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