The drummer is another fine conversion by Wellington Man (from a charging figure) whilst the standard bearer next to him is the result of a head-swap I carried out on a casting of PN.5 Private (the figure with separate musket).
With a fair wind I should have the whole unit finished by the end of the month although I think I may have run out of plasticard to base them so better get that ordered.
Very nice, never seen a Guard drummer before and didn't realise they had red plumes, très chic or perhaps that should be sehr schön.
Rob - the drummer is a conversion. I saw the red plume on the internet so it may be 'fake uniform news' but I like the look of it!
They are beautiful, Ian, and also a lot clearer and crisper than my version. Rest assured that the red plume on the drummer is totally legit according to Nash.
WM - thanks for that and I'm glad the red plume is official. Great job with conversion!
Wonderful brushwork as usual. It always picks up my spirits when you showcase works-in-progress or new glossed figures.
Best Regards,
Lovely stuff.
Stokes - glad you like them, they are shaping up to be another 'favourite' unit of mine!
Thanks Conrad!
Got to love those plumes Ian, I think they were out to impress! Great painting and look forward to seeing them finished and based up.
Hi Lee - yes, they look like real guards!
Shiny and lovely...and to be joined next week by some nice lancer fellows you sent me a while back!
Thanks Matt, great news!
No doubt at it you have NOT been slacking. A splendid unit.
Thanks Ross, and there may be a bit of news soon on the Boer War front too!
Another lovely unit to bolster your Prussian forces.
A lovely looking unit...
If you wish to add a bit more variety... the NCOs had a black tip to their plumes.
All the best. Aly
Paul - I'm really hoping that I stay focused enough to finish the Prussians this year, that's 3 line infantry and the Silesian Hussars still to do!
Aly - interesting but I'll probably leave them all as they are.
Another excellent unit. The drummer is a nice conversion. You also have a painting plan and a goal for the year. I wish I could be that organised.
Cheers Mark, but of course no painting plan survives first contact with the enemy!
Beautiful work as ever Ion. Those plumes on the Prussian guard are so brilliantly ridiculous aren't they?!!
That's a very good way of describing them James!
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