So the plot thickens because my own copy of the Hinton Hunt catalogue from around 1972 doesn’t mention this variant. This also rules out the possibility that they are Clayton figures because he didn’t produce figures until much later, and anyway I’m 99% certain that mine are not Clayton.
This leads me to conclude that the figure is either a genuine Hinton Hunt one (in which case I feel slightly sick about snipping off those plumes) or one produced by Der Kriegspielers in the USA. There is a listing in the DK catalogue 825-205 Polish Line Infantry Charging but no illustration of the figure.
Gentlemen the floor is open, please feel free to comment.
Hi Ian
I have quiet a few figures that i am100 % sure are genuine but have variations, a marching brit in belgic shako, french general with head turned the other way & some figures facing a different way on the base,
I have a HH catalogue circa 1975 which lists Grand Duchy of Warsaw Infantry of the line "Voltigeurs in plumed lancer caps". WN23 Voltigeur charging fits the bill.
Ian - coould you show us a picture of the bottom of the base? This might just help.
Paul - I'm not convinced these are HH because of the complete lack of base markings.
Simon - As far as I know the only version of WN23 is the one in the first picture of my previous post. The musket is at a much higher angle than on the mystery figure.
Thanks for the comments chaps!
Clive - I'll try and take a picture of the base when I get home (but after the football!) and mail it to you.
Ian, I am convinced that they are not original HH. The proper HH voltigeur is the one at high port. The figure charging that has the plume looks like a copy, its detail is less and it appears to have a little sliver of metal between the collar and the head which is indicative of a head swap, albeit a well done head swap.
Perhaps someone was tempting to make a grenadier in czapska??
So feel happy about snipping them.
Roy - this is my feeling to, that someone wanted to produce a grenadier figure in czapska rather than use the HH one in bearskin.
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