I like seeing flash metal on my Hinton Hunt castings not
just because it confirms that the models are genuine vintage ones (modern
copies are much too pristine) but also because it reminds me of the hours I
spent in my youth filing away at the misshapen castings supplied direct from
Marcus Hinton. Back then I used to hate this chore but now perversely I really
enjoy it, perhaps in part because I have a decent set of files and a metal
clipper rather than the single blunt file appropriated from my Dad’s tool set.
The British A.D.C figure was one of the ones missing from my
collection of General Staff figures and I’m very pleased to have him - I’m
thinking that I may paint him up to represent De Lancey. The Duke could
certainly do with a reliable Staff Officer after his recent run of bad luck on
the battlefield.
The model of General Picton, whilst being outside the
scope of this project, is an excellent little figure as well. I’m not sure if
this is “S” range or the later range but it is one of the older Minifigs where
the rider has the saddle attached to him. This was a clever idea at the time as
it meant you had a choice of horses when you ordered (sadly he is currently on
foot). The casting must date from before 1972 as I remember ordering ECW
cavalry from Minifigs around this time and they were changing to having the
saddle with the horse. I would be interested to hear more on this subject if anyone has more precise info - please feel free to leave a comment.
My thanks to Iain for making my day.
My thanks to Iain for making my day.