That said I am pretty happy with the rule set as they stand and I certainly had a lot of fun playing the game using them. The firing system involves throwing a lot of dice and I’ve found over the years that this always tends to make a wargame more fun than the slide rule/logarithm approach.
The rules are an amalgamation of various rule systems and ideas nicked or created over the last 40 odd years. The movement rates and ranges are straight out of the London Wargames Section Napoleonic Rules (1968). The melee system is spookily like the one from the board game Risk. Many of the other ideas were developed for a set of ACW rules my brother and myself knocked up in the 1980s. The emphasis is on fun and speed of play.
Hello Ian,
They sound just the sort of rules I am looking for, with the emphasis on fun and lots of dice. My own project is on hold as enthusiasm has fallen right off since my play tests, I know that I'm looking for that 'retro' experience in my games. Email on its way! Many thanks,
I am always ready to read more wargame rules!
Best regards
Love the Tyrolean bugler. Why oh why did he not make Austrian drummers? After all I have 12 battalions of infantry to one of Jagers!
Hi there - where can I get a copy of the rules please?
Aetius, email me via my profile.
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