With the French skirmishers distracting the Allied line the Emperor now chose the moment to start to advance his infantry columns.
While the French light infantry continued to annoy the Allied infantry, General Ponsonby was growing impatient at finding himself in reserve. Eventually the General could bear it no longer and, seeing a group of the enemy no more than 100 yds in front of the Landwehr, decided enough was enough. “Forward the Union Brigade, at the trot, charge..!”

Forward the Union Brigade.
Cavalry units may not make a passage of lines through friendly cavalry. They may however make a charge move through friendly infantry (they incur a 100yd movement penalty and must be able to end the move in contact with an enemy unit). The infantry unit will become disordered and must test morale.
The troopers charged through the Prussian Landwehr and on into the French skirmishes who failed to form a skirmish square in response (If charged by cavalry skirmishers may form a skirmish square on a roll of 5 or 6 (4,5,6 if elite) otherwise they are ridden down). Ponsonby was elated as the Grey’s cut down the enemy to a man but a final musket shot from the French knocked the poor general from his horse!
It can be said with little doubt that neither Blucher nor the Duke was at all pleased with Ponsonby’s movement. “Mein Gott!” cursed the Prussian Marshal “Vot are zees dumkoff drunken vools up to?”. With a die roll of 2 the Landwehr failed their morale test, broke and fled – a spectacular own goal for the Allies.
Meanwhile the French responded to the sudden appearance of the British cavalry by forming the 4th Swiss into square and advancing D’Hillier’s heavy cavalry to meet the threat. The Carabiniers in the lead were confident and positioned themselves for a charge while the ranks behind them (being DK castings) were slightly more nervous.
All along the line the Allies were now very hard pressed and even Mercer’s battery was losing heavy casualties to the incessant French skirmisher fire. The situation for the Duke was starting to look serious.
To be continued…
Wonderful figures, what a pleasure to see them laid out in a proper game. I especially like the Heavy Brigade, great painting if I may say so.
Also a special mention for the cardboard church. I have had at least two over the years no idea what happened to either of them.
thank you for a Sunday morning treat.
I agree with John about your figures and building, but I like more your AAR. Shadows of Waterloo? It is a pity that the Prussians ran away maybe leaving a dangerous gap in the Allied line.... All is now in the hands of the British cavalry, so I am looking forward for the next entry of this battle ;-)
Best regards
Excellent - great fun, and superb visuals. Thanks very much for writing it up for us.
Some unease about the chance throws - a visit from the Dice Police may be in order - these may be the trick set you play Craps with on a Friday night?
Wonderful stuff Ian, more please! Love the photos. And if you could post your rules up for us too that would be much appreciated.
Glad your enjoying the battle chaps, I certainly had a lot of fun playing it. The action is exactly as it happened and I haven't spiced it up for publication - I really did roll 4 sixes!
ThoseDK's don't like it up em though. They are thin and weedy on half starved horses. Maybe they are the 1813 carabiniers. The Union brigade should take care of them.
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