I managed to find time yesterday to fix the display cabinet to the wall of my new study/hobby room. I’m still a little way off resuming painting but I hope to unpack all the Hinton Hunts soon and get them back into the cabinet at least.

The display cabinet in situ in my new study. You can just make out some of the troops waiting patiently in boxes full of the dreaded poly-beads on the bookshelves.

Marshal Ney - a rather dashing if somewhat lonely figure at the moment.
The next problem – as several of you have helpfully pointed out – is how to extract the figures from their transit boxes and the grip of those poly-beads.
A quick update in response to DC’s query about the supplier of my display cabinet. I can’t find the exact item with the mirrored back on their website anymore but this is the nearest one. The company is called “Acrylic Display Cases” (clever name eh?) and they can custom make them. Not cheap but they are the bee’s knees!
It seems like you made the house moving without serious troubles, so.... congratulations!
Thanks Rafa - it went pretty smoothly really. I'm looking forward to resuming painting the little chaps soon.
Hi Ian, About time you applied yourself to the more important aspects of unpacking - I look forward to the resumption of activities on your blog (have you seen the prices HHs are fetching on Ebay at the moment?).
Regards, Iain.
Hi Iain - I promise that I will be posting the "real stuff" again as soon as poss! I haven't looked at eBay for a couple of months but even then the prices were a little crazy - especially when you consider how much non-genuine HH is about!
The new study looks good (mine is full of junk and sorely lacking in shelf space). Is that display case a commercial offering? If so, can you tell us where you got it? Cheers.
Good to see you back posting again and I'm looking forward to you picking up the paintbrush again.A shot of that cabinet with the HH's in there once unpacked would be great?
Can I ask what sort of price those old figures are fetching now days? I have no idea but I would imagine it must be fairly high given the vintage.
All the best,
DC - yes it is a commercially available display cabinet but I can't remember the maker. I will dig it out and post a link.
Lee - Vintage HH 20mm stuff is going for a pretty penny on eBay. I have seen a single figure go for as much as sixty quid! It's a shame really because these figures are meant to be played with and not locked away in a vault. I'm just glad that I collected most of my figures a couple of years ago when things were a bit more sensible.
Cabinet too small mate!!
At the very least you should have set it to the side to make way for another!!
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