I still seem to be finding every excuse possible not to
paint British fusiliers (e.g., working my way through 24 x Jacklex British
colonial Highlanders) although I can, hand on heart, say that I’m on course to
complete them all by the end of the month. I have however finished all the
command figures, including three conversions.
The flags were a right old pain to do. They’re from my stock of 20-year-old Revo ones and although the sticky was still working, I was horrified to find that the ink was wearing off as I folded them. I didn’t have any spares, so I just had to go with it and then spent an entire painting session retouching them trying to match the original colours. In the end it seems to have worked out ok although they very nearly went in the bin.
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The officer is BN/70 Fusilier Officer (charging). The drummer is a conversion from the charging figure using a drum donated by a Newline Designs highlander. |
Hinton Hunt didn’t produce standard bearers or drummers for the fusilier range, so I converted these from charging figures. I’m pretty pleased with the drummer but it’s hard to get the flag anywhere near vertical using a charging figure as a standard bearer as there is only so far the arms will bend. I think they’ll look fine though when ranked up in the line.
OK, but think of how proud and happy you will be of/with the end product... or simply put them to one side for a few days, paint something else and come back to them. Works for me.
Not a bad idea Rob except that when I go down that route I tend to end up with an overflowing desk!
I should think it difficult to charge without leaning the flagstaff forward to counter the resistance of the air as you push forward, esp if you're moving into the wind...or something like that.
In any event, they look great.
Thanks Ross, I’ll run with that!
Looking good, especially the blue-grey overalls and very effective drummer conversion. You just need to stick at it - I often find I imagine there's lots left to do but then knuckle down and find it all coming together in a rush. Just finished Wellington today (not yet based or varnished) but finishing off will have to await the tardy Bessières who is lagging behind thanks to all that gold braid.
They look amazing to me. . . Huzzah!
Fusilierly Regards,
Rob, I have the final five on the painting desk now. Send me a photo of Wellington when he’s finished!
Thanks Stokes!
Nice work here Ian-your Ensigns, Drummers and other Hintons look terrific- well done indeed!
Thanks Kev, hopefully get the rest of them done this week.
Definitely 23rd - it’s the PoW feathers that give it away! I’ve still got a sheet of Revo AWI flags tucked away, but doubt I will use them. They also made some superb Austrian Napoleonics (this would be late 80s).
Jeffers, I still have quite a few ACW, AWI and Napoleonics but no Austrian ones. Some have lost there self-adhesive property but are still useable, the ink wearing off is a bit more alarming. I like to use them for this project as I consider them suitably retro!
This regiment is going to be nothing less than spectacular Ian!
Absolutely splendid looking fellows - the flag has come out well.
Thanks WM, I’m looking forward to getting them table ready.
Matt, the flags came out much better than I thought they would!
Splendid looking fellows…
The flags have scrubbed up well…
All the best. Aly
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