I was trying to remember when I acquired the figures for this unit, and I think it must have been around 2006 because I know it was before I started this blog. That’s a long time for such lovely original Hinton Hunt castings to have been hanging around in the lead pile.
I think subconsciously I may have been avoiding painting them out of concern I might not do them justice. Whatever the reason, I think it is high time that they saw the light of day again although I doubt if I will risk them in battle.
He is very handsomely painted in any case. The lower lip peeking out from beneath the mustache is a nice touch.
Best Regards,
I think you have certainly done him justice and I wish you success with the rest of the unit - I sometimes find I can't match my original test figure - most frustrating.
On a separate topic, are we to get some more rule play test soon? I'm fascinated to see how you finally put this column vs line conundrum to rest and then no doubt a v6.3.
Stokes, adding the lip does help to bring out the facial features, of course my British troops all have stiff uppers!
Thanks Rob, I'm taking a break from the play-testing at the moment (in fact I've been working on my Boer War rules on my other blog), hopefully I'll return to it with a clear head!
I have the same feeling about new shirts...when to wear them first. But that's because I'm just odd.
Lovely looking Frenchie-Fellow.
Matt, if I'd kept a new shirt in the cupboard for 14 years I doubt very much if it would fit now!
Very, very smart, Ian. I don't think you need to have any further doubts. The regiment will be magnificent.
I felt exactly the same about my cuirassiers - and still do!
Best regards
I have a unit of FN23 Grenadier firing in my painting queue which I should really do soon. Looking at your lovely test figure is making me consider doing these next - once I finish a Lutzow battalion that is.
Great work there IAN- nice to see a unit of these Grenadiers gracing your games table. Cheers. KECV.
I don't want to annoy you, but as it's a test figure, shouldn't the musket bands be brass in the Garde? I might also be tempted to try out a line or two of shading at the top of the inside leg measurement?
Rob, you're probably right but I want them to match the 2nd Grenadiers that I painted a few years ago.
Very nice - lots of neat detail. The only suggestion I would make is that the gaiters seem to have overlapped onto the boots so only the black tip and heel showed. Perhaps they were strapped under the foot.
Thanks Anon I missed that!
I think he is magnificent. Personally, when/if I get round to revamping this battalion, they are going to be battle worn veterans, and that's that. Felicitations, monsieur.
Very, very smart Ian. Going to be a magnificent battalion worthy of the Guard.
Nigel, I do wish Marcus had made an Old Guard figure sitting on his knapsack so that I could keep them properly out of harms way!
Thanks Lee, I hope I can get them done soon although I have received a distraction in the post this morning in the shape of another British battalion for my Boer War project!
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