I also took the time to clear up my painting desk which had been cluttered all year with too many things on the go. My new regime will be to paint only 6 infantry, 3 cavalry or a gun and crew at any one time. I’ll allow myself to have the next batch undercoated and ready but apart from that everything else will be cleared out of sight. This way I can switch between units and projects as much as I like but only after a batch has been completed.
I just need to get these figures varnished and based and then they will join the other half of the regiment to make a full 12 figure unit.
Superb painting of the Cavalry figures- well done indeed. Regards. KEV.
Cheers Kev!
Now come on, Ian, repeat after me, "painting buttons is fun". Best pin-up yet. Obviously.
Nigel - yes it's so much fun (sound of teeth gritting). The pin-up is just for you of course!
Lovely painting Ian, a great addition to your wonderful collection.
Very smart looking figures and your dedication to the "art of the button" is becoming legendary!
Very impressive, Ian! Or should that be Buttons?
Matt @ Matt - I am honoured indeed although I'm not sure my buttons will pass close inspection!
I must admit I follow the Lidal's approach of piling um high - doing about 30 at a time. Mind you none of my chaps have buttons ;-)
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