This is a picture I took during my recent visit to Roy's wargame room. The figures are a mixture of 20mm British Infantry, including some Hinton Hunt, originally from the Wargames Holiday Centre and now in Roy's collection (click on the image for a closer look).
Lovely figures. I had the chance to inspect them and a couple of hundred of their friends when i visited the WHC early last year. Remarkably they'd been in a cupboard for 25 years and Mike Ingham had only just rediscovered them. According to Mike his business partner had suggested binning Gilder's vintage figures when they took over the WHC....i'll leave you with that terrible thought...
Hi DC - That thought has now made me break out into a cold sweat. I'm just glad that all the figures have managed to find loving homes!
Ready for Waterloo I suppose.
I would love to know how PG did those "corners" on his bases-very smart looking.
Yes, I love those bases too. I remember trying to make some as a lad using plywood and a blunt fret saw. Didn't quite end up looking like these though!
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