So much for my cunning plan of painting up some “easy” Brunswickers to crank up the painting output. This figure has actually taken me longer to paint than Stapleton Cotton did in all his finery - there are so many layers of paint on this chap that he may be in danger of falling off his horse under the weight of it all. Anyway, as you can see I am now getting on with the other five troopers in the squadron and already have the horses done.
I decided this year that I would try to stick to a Hinton Hunt painting quota to get things moving along a bit better after last year’s disappointing output. I will try each month to paint either one personality figure, a squadron of six cavalry, a gun and crew or half a battalion of infantry (12 figures). If I have any time left over in the month then I’ll paint up some non-HH related stuff so that my other projects might progress as well – sounds simple enough eh?
Very smart looking chap. Good to see his mates coming on nicely as well.
Looks good to me, I'm about to paint a "black" uniformed unit and I'm going to opt for a very dark grey.
Yes, and the shako is very nice!
Hi Ian,
Fine work, again I missed this update on my blog list. You can see the different shade on the jacket no problem and it helps the braiding stand out.
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