I couldn’t find any uniform information on this one so I’ve based him on a picture of a Prussian train driver (no doubt this limber will always run on time) I found tucked away in my copy of Blandford’s Uniforms of Waterloo. The blurb in the book says that the train drivers were responsible for moving all the heavy equipment and baggage in the Prussian army so maybe this included the guns as well.
This is yet another occasion when I wish I had kept my original Hinton Hunt painting instruction sheets as every single figure Marcus Hinton produced was accompanied by full uniform information. If only modern figure manufacturers would do the same!
According to Knotel-Elting the Prussian artillery train men wore brown trousers, and facings (cuff, collar) in various colors, so any choosing is adequate.
Hi Rafa - thanks for that but on this occasion I will not be re-painting!
On the subject of Knotel, Don has sent me the following link to a really useful German site:
click on Zum Auliegen
scroll down, click on Inhalt
click on Knotels Uniformkunde
Don makes the point that many of the illustrations fit closely with original Hinton Hunt painting instructions. An excellent resource and I will certainly be refering to these where I am missing HH Painting info in future.
Nice one Don!
Lovely job on that Prussian Ian, glad he went to a nice home.
I think blue with light blue facings is correct, though I cannot imagine that the drivers got first pick of any uniform issue.
Im not sure that there were painting instructions for everything. In fact I think I remember someone ordering instructions and paying for them and marcus producing them to order so to speak. Thus the coverage must have been less than systematic as with everything HH.
All the Best
That's the work of Knötel Sr. The book of Elting is form his son, Knötel Jr. Both, father and son, are excellent sources!
Very smart indeed-he looks suitably Prussian to me!
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