Here’s the finished unit at musketry practice in the churchyard (the vicar is getting mighty fed up with all the noise). All the figures used were David Clayton produced Hinton Hunt castings of varying size and quality (which I can just about get away with in a Militia Battalion). The flag bearer is one of the figures added to the range by David Clayton and I think the officer may fall into the same category as he doesn’t appear in my Hinton Hunt catalogue. The unit is made up of:
22 x PN19 Landwehr Private (firing)
1 x PN20 Landwehr Officer (marching)
1 x PN23 Landwehr Flag Bearer (advancing)

This is the first of my Prussian units to be completed and I have quite a few more to come including two more Landwehr and a couple of Line Infantry units – I may even be able to stretch to a third one with some odds and sods. However, the commencement of painting work on these is still a very long way off.
Next up will be another personality figure – who could it be?
Very neat!
The marching officer IS a David Clayton figure. I have just painted a Landwehr drummer of his. You might have expected a head swap on a Prussian drummer, but instead he chose to put a Landwehr head on a Fernch drummer. If geniuos is thinking of something no-one else would, the cap fits...
You now 'must' to paint some rserve batallions to make a full Prussian Brigade!
A good job!
Nice looking unit
--- Allan
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