Friday, 7 March 2025

Grenadier flag bearer

I have finished painting the Grenadiers but haven't based them yet so they're not ready for review quite yet. Here instead is my attempt at another Pepsi-Max flag for them.

This is my first attempt at a Leibfahane flag which as I understand it was issued to the senior battalions of a regiment. As always my painting is on the impressionistic side and doesn't bear close scrutiny although I am quite pleased with my freehand painted 'Madonna and Child'.

The Barbers Pole was a right old faff to paint. I tried a couple of times without success to get the diagonal stripes to match up until Goya told me not to bother and fudge it because "who's going to notice it from three feet away?" 

And on the subject of Goya, he sent me the above photo of a couple of Austrian guns. These are more figures from Don W that he has refurbished.