Here then are the Austrians I promised you in my last post. This unit will represent the 23rd Archduke Ferdinand Regiment because they have rather nice poppy red facings.
So how have I managed to knock out another unit so fast I hear you ask? Well, the answer is that I haven't actually done very much myself to contribute to their mustering-in. The original paintwork is by US gamer Don W and they have been spruced up by none other than Goya who added the black lining to match them to my own style. All I did was add in the command figures, base them, and give the whole lot three coats of gloss varnish.
Don's original brushwork gave them grey lined straps and Goya very kindly changed them to black to fit in with my other troops. The headgear is all Don's work. |
The rank and file figures are all vintage castings that Don bought direct from Hinton Hunt in the early 80s. They are:
Here you can see how neatly they fit in with the 26th Schroeder Regiment I completed last year. |