Thanks to all who responded to the last post and particularly to
Matthew and Goya for their efforts to seek out information on the mysterious ‘greatcoat’
stowed on top of the pack. The first thing to mention is that I was wrong when
I said that it only appeared on the marching figure because Matthew sent me the
photo below showing the same item on vintage castings of the charging and
firing figures.
All three figures are modelled with a rolled item above the pack that has three buttons at the top either side of a central securing strap. |
This means that, whatever it is, Marcus Hinton intended to sculpt
it and must have had a reference source that showed it. This is one instance
where the Hinton Hunt painting instruction sheet would be very helpful but
sadly, I don’t have one. Matthew, Goya and I have trawled the internet for
images that might reveal the nature of the mystery item but to no avail
although Goya did find this one below.
This looks promising except that the illustration shows the 1817 regulations and is also of a line infantryman not a Pavlovski Grenadier. |
Goya also found this bit of text which may explain what the roll
For the cover for the coat and leggings. — The coat must be rolled
and wrapped in the leggings [kragi] so that it is as long as the knapsack
and its diameter is 6 inches in thickness. It is placed into a round oilcloth
cover made to these dimensions with an opening at one end that is closed with a
drawstring. This case is to be carried on the knapsack with the opening to the
left side and in the middle tied by the greatcoat strap to the strap that holds
the canteen.
However, the item modelled on the figures very definitely has six
buttons on the top and doesn’t look as if it is supposed to represent a
drawstring bag so back to the drawing board.
While repainting the roll I also took the opportunity to tidy up the back of the mitre cap. |
In the end I have decided to paint the roll as a canvas/brown bag
which is good enough for my purposes but if anyone does have a copy of the
Hinton Hunt painting instructions I’d be interested to see them.
********* EDIT *********
Eagle-eyed Rob spotted the picture below.
Although this isn't a Pavlov the mystery roll does have buttons just like the figure - still not sure what it is but problem solved. |
So it looks like I will be repainting them black!
********* FINAL EDIT *********
Thanks to ongoing work by Goya and Rob we appear to finally have the answer regarding the mystery item. I'm 99% sure that it is the leather gaiters that are strapped to the top of the pack and that the figure has been modelled in 'summer' trousers.
Painted for the third and final time, Pavlovski's in their summer best. |
A close examination of a line Grenadier casting next to a Pavlovski castings has confirmed this as the line figure is wearing his gaiters with buttons to the knee, whilst the Pavlovski has buttons halfway up the calf which would fit with the summer trousers theory. So that's it, the figures have been repainted accordingly now it's time to move on.