Yesterday I was joined by Wellington Man, Goya and the Archduke (Nigel) for a game of soldiers. WM had brought a small French expeditionary force with him comprised of three infantry units, the Guard Chasseurs and 7th Polish Lancers. Despite some minor damage in transit from New Zealand WM’s troops still looked splendid when they took their place in the French line.
The French army (Goya and Nigel) was opposed by my Prussians supported by Austrians and Russians (Myself and WM). In theory the two armies were balanced at 12 infantry and 5 cavalry each however due to some poor staff work on my part the French had a 6 to 4 advantage in cavalry which was to have a significant influence on events.
The scenario was simple, there were 3 victory locations in the centre of the table each worth 5 VP’s. Additionally, 1 VP was awarded for each enemy routed unit. The side with the most VP’s at the end of play was the winner. The rules as ever were
Muskets & Marshals, here are the highlights -
This is the view from behind the right wing of the French army looking towards the section of the allied line commanded by yours truly. WM's beautiful Guard Chasseurs are visible bottom right of the picture. The tree and the hill were both victory point objectives. |
Prussian Jagers were the first troops to take possession of the central hill and they were soon popping away with their rifles at the French Voltigeurs on the other side. Meanwhile both sides were pushing forward their infantry columns. |
The emperor looks on. He managed to win every initiative die roll bar one which combined with the French superior cavalry numbers put the allies under pressure from the start. |
French on the left, allies on the right. There is already cavalry action taking place on both flanks while the fight for the central hill hots up. |
The 4th Brandenburg infantry have gained the crest of the hill. However a whole brigade of Swiss troops is waiting for them on the other side, with levelled muskets. |
The 7th Lancers engage the Prussian Lancers. A lot of men have gone down on both sides, however it was the Poles who would emerge victorious from this fierce clash of arms. Both of these units were painted by WM. |
This is the view from the other end of the table (French on the right). The Prussians are pushing forward and, with the 1st Silesian Landwehr out front what can possibly go wrong? |
The Guard Chasseurs managed to catch the Splendid Splenys out of square. I felt this was quite unsporting but Goya begged to differ. |
With so many troops in a relatively small area it soon became something of a pell-mell battle. Nearest the camera the Poles and Guard Marines are pushing against the allied flank. The Guard Eclaireurs have been severely mauled by artillery and fire from an Austrian square, however they succeeded in riding down a battery in the process. |
As we all know, it's always the new units that take the worst punishment in a fight. Here the Brandenburgers suffer the inevitable consequence of being fired on by 18 Swiss muskets at close range. |
Now this surely wasn't in the script? The Silesian Landwehr are routing after taking casualties from cannister and musketry. Fortunately the French Cuirassiers were unable to take advantage having failed a morale test. |
With the Brandenburgers ejected from the hill the 3rd Swiss advance and take their place. Things are looking shaky for the allies. |
The allied left is under pressure now as well with the 'tree' VP location firmly in the hands of the French, who are smashing the remaining infantry squares with columns. |
Honour restored - the Silesians have rallied! |
This is one of Matthews amazing units - the 67th infantry I believe. Marshal Davout seems very pleased with the way things are working out. |
The obligatory black and white shot. You'll have to take my word for it that the Swiss on the hill are a sea of red. |
"Stop running mein children!" It's no use, Scharnhorst and the Brandenburgers are legging it. A convincing win for the French who controlled 2 of the 3 VP sites at game end (turn 6). |
Thanks to WM for bringing his troops (and himself) halfway around the world to the game and to Nigel for making the 7 hour round trip across the border and back. Thanks also to Goya for producing 3 units for the game finished in gloss varnish even though this was against his principles (I believe they are being doused in matt varnish as I write!). Another good game played in great company.