Saturday 12 October 2024

15th Szeckler Grenzers

The Grenzers are done and now paraded here for your inspection. I've enjoyed painting these as the castings are really superb first generation Hinton Hunt ones first glimpsed here on the blog. Brown uniforms were an interesting change too after lots of recent red and blue ones.

The figures used are:

1 x AN/21 Hungarian Officer, charging (DK figure converted to standard bearer)
9 x AN/25 Hungarian Musketeer, firing
1 x AN/26 Hungarian Officer, marching
12 x AN/27 Hungarian Musketeer, marching
1 x DK Austrian Grenadier drummer (with head-swop conversion)

I'm staying with the Austrian theme for the next unit but with a return to standard white uniform so I will need to break out the snow goggles for my painting sessions.

Saturday 5 October 2024

Another trip to Nigel's

Last Wednesday Tony and I were fortunate enough to be invited to another wargame hosted by Nigel in his fabulous wargame room nestling in the Cumbrian hills. The scenario involved an alternate history of the Waterloo campaign where Napoleon was trying to pass Wellington's flank to the west forcing a battle at Mons.

I was given the Allied force comprising The Prince Of Orange and 'Daddy' Hill's commands, Dutch-Belgians, Nassauers and an awful lot of Highlanders. Tony had the French including an intimidating number of old Guard infantry and cavalry. Nigel umpired and carried out numerous mental arithmetic calculations to keep the game flowing using his house rules.

What follows is not a detailed account of the fighting but hopefully enough to give you a taster of an excellent game.

A general view of the table at the end of turn 1. Tony and I both elected to move everything forward. The barn in the foreground and the house on the hill in the distance were both victory locations.
Tony and I immediately did our usual cavalry thing of drawing sabres and rushing into action. Here you can see the Guard cavalry advance. The Horse Grenadiers to the front eventually went on to win the man of the match award.

Some classic looking ordre mixte here by the French. Most of the units in Nigel's forces are an impressive 30 figures strong.

Lord Hill advances his (mostly) Highlander division. These are a mixture of Qualiticast and Hinton Hunt figures.

The view from the French right-rear. My Nassauer's are defending the woods from the advancing French columns.

The French troops come on in the same old style!

But my lads are coming on too - not in the same old style!

General Perponcher rides forward to encourage the Dutch-Belgians - hurrah!

The cavalry fight in the centre of the field was to last for the whole game but eventually the French got the upper hand.

My Highlanders prepare to counter-attack the Old Guard. Meanwhile the Sailors-of-the-Guard have occupied the house and are very unsportingly firing down on us from the windows.

My centre holds firm...

...but things don't go quite so well on my right. We called the game after 7 turns and it was a victory on points for the French.

It was a visually spectacular game as well as being great fun to play and it was nice to get to use Nigel's lovely British and allied troops. Hopefully one day we'll get to see the Archduke's Austrian forces!

Thanks to Nigel and Tony and also to the Archduchess for her hospitality. 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Flagging Again

I've finished my 'coke can' (actually Pepsi-Max) flag for the Grenzers and am quite chuffed with the result. I cut the aluminium for the flag with my craft knife and then superglued it to the flagstaff, bent it into position and amazingly it lined up first time.

I paint the flag after assembly.

The figure is a converted AN/21. Hungarian Officer, charging although I think this is actually a DK version. The flag itself is painted freehand using some pencilled guidelines. The design is a mash up of images from the internet and my own photo (below) taken this year at the Naval Museum in Venice.

I'm not sure what an Austrian flag was doing on display at an Italian naval museum because strangely the signage wasn't in english. The museum was however a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of the city being a bit out of the way by the old naval dockyard.

The rather stylish entrance to the dockyard just around the corner from the museum.

There is a quite a lot of stuff in the museum relating to WW2 and how Italian frogmen managed to blow up British battleships using manned torpedoes. Not one mention of Taranto though!

Thursday 29 August 2024

Grenzer Progress and Fun in the Desert

I've made a bit of  progress with the Grenzer figures and am pretty well halfway through the unit. I'm liking the look of these with their brown coats and blue trousers. Hopefully I'll complete the whole lot soon.

The drummer is a head-swop conversion from a DK grenadier. The flag (half finished at the back) is my first attempt at a 'coke can' flag in the style of Wellington Man.

In other news, Goya came over last week and we had a go at a 20mm WW2 Western Desert game. I've had a bit of a thing about the early period of this campaign for many years and had been gradually (very gradually) building some forces using Airfix stuff. However the advent of 3D printed vehicles has given the project a shot in the arm as it cuts out the rather tedious business of assembling kits.

Goya's Matildas defend a ridge. The closest is a resin model, the next is a 3D version from Butler's Printed Models and the last two are Airfix from Goya's collection.
The British soft-skin vehicles hunker down behind the ridge. The 2pdr Portee model is a 'ready to roll' one from Rapid Fire expertly assembled and painted by Goya.
My German infantry briefly capture Showaddy-Wadi before being forced to retreat by massed machine gun fire from Goya's tanks.
The situation at the end of play - a sort of draw.

Goya and I both like the organisation charts in the various Rapid Fire books but we've struggled to get to grips with the RF rules. We're currently rehashing a set of my own rules written 30 years ago in the hope of getting something playable and fun.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Grenzer Test Figure

This is the test paint job for my next Austrian infantry unit using the recently acquired Austrian figures. I thought I'd go for a Grenzer unit as a break from all those white uniforms and they will represent the 15th Szeckler regiment because of their rather natty pink facings that I think contrast well with the brown coats.

The figure is AN/25 Hungarian Musketeer, firing.

According to my painting source there is some controversy over when/if the Grenzer units received their 'tobacco brown' coats but the 15th are listed as one that probably did. Equally undecided is whether the Grenzers had white or black straps but I have gone with black. Production is now underway on the first six figures.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Wellington's Allies on Parade

Having recently paraded Wellington's British infantry I thought that, for the sake of completeness, I should also parade his Allies.

There are 96 Hinton Hunt figures arranged in four units.
The figures have all been painted by me except for the Nassauers (Matt G).
Hanoverians in the front followed by Belgians, Brunswickers and the Nassau Grenadiers.

The first of these units (the Nassauers) was painted in 2010 and the last (Hanoverians) this year.

I guess this effectively completes Wellington's infantry giving him a total of 12 units to call upon. This doesn't mean I won't paint more in the future (no wargamer ever completes an army) but for now I intend to shift my focus to the Austrians.

Friday 2 August 2024

Feldbattalion Verden on Parade

So here they are, as promised the Hanoverian Field Battalion Verden. The figures are all vintage Hinton Hunt ones mustered from different sources over the last few years, stripped and repainted by me.

I love this 'casual pose' clearly they are far behind the front line.
Seems a bit unfair that the fifer and drummer have to work while everyone else is taking it easy.

1 x BN/1. Officer (charging)
18 x BN/3. Private (casual pose)
2 x BN/8. Officer (standing)
1 x BN/11. Fifer (playing)
1 x BN/12. Drummer (playing)
1 x BN/13. Ensign Regiment Colour

Here's your chance to admire the other side of that flag.

Also hot off the desk is another French General painted to represent Jean-Baptiste Drouet (Comte d'Erlon). With the 110th anniversary of Waterloo rapidly approaching I thought it was about time that this gentleman was represented on my table.

FN/244. French General in cocked hat (mounted)

I was surprised to read that d'Erlon did eventually become a marshal although not until 1843 some 22 years after Napoleon's death.