The figure is FN/355 MARSHAL DAVOUT in marshal’s uniform raising his hat. The identity of the horse had always baffled me because it has some ornate harness and a high-backed saddle, and I assumed it was a conversion because I’d never seen one like it before. However, this week when I fished the figures out of the lead pile, I had a sudden brainwave and a quick check on the Hinton Hunter confirmed the horse is FNH/4 horse for Mameluk of the Guard.
The paint job is actually very nice with more detail than I could manage myself however both horse and rider are destined for the bleach jar after the battle. The paint is quite faded, and the white has yellowed somewhat and the whole thing smells faintly of tobacco, so the time is approaching for a complete overhaul.
Nicky King of the comb-over - I'd keep my hat on if I was him. Nice one - a really steady hand to put those eyes in!
I was about to say the same thing as Rob. I'd say it proves his 1970s provenance! I'm
Gentlemen - those eyes, those eyes, they follow me around the room!
What a charming little figure, I would keep him just as he is Ian!
Lee - I suppose a stay of execution is possible however let's see how well he fights first!
Ian - he's really very nice, I think - far better than your previous description. I'd give him a soak and a scrub in washing-up liquid and freshen the whites and the face for starters. Mind you, I am a noted slob, and can accept that you have rather higher standards! The eyes could be worse - I never knew what to do with figures with bare heads or sideways bicornes - eyes always tempting. The comb-over is intriguing - that's improvised - was someone having a laugh? - as far as I know, Davout was just a full-on slaphead. Anyway, will be delighted to welcome him in as guest player tomorrow.
Tony - the comb-over is an interesting addition! I'm coming round to thinking that I may just give him a bath as you suggest and leave him alone as a tribute to the 70s.
Perhaps he was painted as a tribute to England's 1966 World Cup team and based on Bobby Charlton.
I would go for the clean up and minor paint restoration. Finish with a couple of coats of varnish and he will be good as new.
Mark - a Bobby Charlton tribute would be good, better than Donald Trump I guess. It seems that Davout may be spared the bleach bath.
He s really good, clean him up, touch up his paint as others have suggested. and slot him in. Sgomeone did an artistic job of work there and it deserves to be honoured. I do think the horse is a bit far fetched. I imagine that Davout was the sort if chap to have absolutely standard kit for his rank, not the sort of extravagant flummery that a Murat or a Junot might design.
Roy - you're right about the horse I think, much more appropriate for Murat!
Tiger or leopard skin for Murat. I love the comb over - very funny - although as it was only patented in 1977 maybe a bit anachronistic- you’ll need to check with those helpful people in that lovely PMT Napoleonic community. Or maybe it’s a portrait of The Baldy Man as a re-enactor. Or maybe it was in MH’s original painting instructions for this figure - I don’t think I have a copy of them.
Love the dapple grey effect on the horse. Good luck with Eckmuhl.
Clive - somehow I doubt it was in the HH painting instructions. However I have now decided to leave him as he is except for some minor touch up work!
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