Sunday 7 December 2014

Highlander update

I’ve just finished a further five figures to make up my first company of the Black Watch. Painting these figures is pretty time consuming the way I do it but they haven’t proved as tricky as I thought they might. I have another twelve of these to go plus the command figures.

Six down, eighteen to go...

To break things up a bit I’m allowing myself to paint the first group of command figures next including the piper. These figures are all vintage ones: BN/31 Sergeant (charging), BN/37 Officer (marching) and BN/38 Piper (playing bag-pipes).

 Now who doesn't love to paint a piper?

Finally, thanks to Jack, I now have two DK versions of the charging officer figure and I will be converting these for use as standard bearers. Jack also sent me a DK highlander in a ‘high-porte’ position. This is an original DK model I believe as there is nothing like it in the Hinton Hunt range – a superb little figure.

The two DK officers and the 'high-porte' figure - nice!


DeanM said...

They're looking good. I've used a Micron Pen for the lines on tartan. Your brushwork looks great.

Jacko said...

They look great, I'm currently repainting a few HH figures I picked up at a swap meet - the figures are older than I am !


Stryker said...

Hi Jacko that's great - sadly for me it's the other way around!

Paulalba said...

Hi Ian, they came out excellent. The tartan looks very effective!

Anonymous said...

Looking very nice, like the tartan, will make a wonderful addition to your collection. Look forward to seeing more.


lewisgunner said...

Lovely !