The Allied columns move forward
The Emperor saw the danger to his left flank and ordered one of his reserve Battalions of Swedes over to support the 45th Ligne.

Napoleon at his HQ behind the Farm orders up some reserves
All the time the French skirmishers were causing considerable annoyance to the Allies even though the Austrian Jagers were trying hard to contain them.

Elite French Voltigeurs from the 10th Legere firing from the vegetable garden
Goaded into action, one company of Jagers closed to contact with the enemy skirmishers and engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand combat amongst the cabbages. Sadly for the Allies they were repulsed.
Rule – Skirmishers: Skirmishers may melee with other skirmishers – pair off and roll one die each, highest wins (+1 for elites).

Tough fighting in the cabbage patch
With the advance from his right under way the Duke now ordered forward the Nassauers and the Naval Brigade in line formation. They immediately came under heavy fire from the Grenadiers in the Farm and casualties started to mount.

The infantry will advance…
To be continued.
It seems an equilibrated game, but the skirmishing combat seems too vicius for me.
Rafa - the combat may be a bit harsh but at least it leads to a rapid conclusion!
Wonderful pix. I'm curious about the B&W ones. Very effective and clean, and do impart an attractive antique look.
One possibility if the H-to-H combat seems too vicious is to require a two-pip advantage on the die rolls (as done in Charge!). Either way, small numbers can lead to some very unexpected results!
Ion (Archduke Piccolo)
Hello Archduke - glad you like the photos, I always enjoy turning a few of them black & white for that 60s throw-back feel!
The two-pip idea is a good one and I will give it some thought.
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