The six models pictured here are listed in the Hinton Hunt Catalogue as FN118 Light Horse Lancer in crested helmet (mounted) charging. These are all vintage castings originally in the collection of Don in the US. I refurbished these rather than re-paint them from scratch but ended up doing quite a lot to them, mostly on the horses. Don had managed to paint the number “3” incredibly neatly on the saddle blanker rolls but I had to use one figure from the 4th regiment to make up the numbers. Although I changed the facing colours easily enough, there was no way I was going to try to paint one of those tiny threes (if you zoom in on the picture you can spot the error!).
Opting for refurbishing this Squadron was my cunning way to quickly get back on track with my painting schedule but I’m still quite a way off my May target.
Very pretty! I've always had a softspot for Napoleon's lancer regiments.
Best Regards,
Nice work - you might almost convince me to field a lancer regiment.
They look rather cool good.
Sad tip time...if you turn the figure on its head I have found painting a "rounded M" is easier than trying to paint a 3.
I need to get out more don't I?
They look great... The mine are home-cast metal figures made 20 years ago with AIRFIX cuirassiers!
Best regards
Don just emailed me with the secret of those "perfect threes":
Painted those decades back. However, if I recall correctly, the trick was not actually painting a nice threaded '3' but something more bulky closer to a 'B'. Then I'd sharpen a round toothpick to a fine point and use a 'Degas' inspired method of literally dotting the excess out with the background color. One has to keep sharpening the toothpicks to keep the point tight and the paint from clumping on the end long enough to do a troop of the figures. It's a technique that worked its most extensive when painting the battle names on the British colours.
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