After storm Eowyn visited us last Friday I found a few pieces of the Hinton Hut roofing-felt covering on the lawn but couldn't work out where they came from because by then the Hut roof was covered with snow. The Hut is a kit construction I built 5 years ago and the roof is covered with roofing-felt strips that overlap with a tile effect. Asthetically this is pleasing but the problem is that the wind can whip in behind the edges and blow them off.
Normally when we get a gale it comes from the northeast and I've had to repair patches on that side of the roof several times but sneaky Eowyn came in from the southwest and attacked from behind taking me unawares. No problem, I have made a temporary repair whilst I plan a more permanent one for the Spring.
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I'm still working away slowly at Austrians so I have nothing new to show you but I did come across some photos of a Waterloo game held at Roy's house just prior to Vintage Waterloo. Here are a few that I don't think ever made it onto the blog.
In this game the table was extended quite a bit past Hougoumont and the French cavalry seem to be attempting to exploit the additional space. |
The Emperor and his staff at La Belle Alliance - these figures are from Roy's collection. |
An impressive looking French attack on Hougoumont. |
The British make ready behind La Haye Sainte. The Highlanders on the right are the 42nd from my own collection, all the other figures visible are Roy's. |
Baring's men prepare for the coming onslaught at La Haye Sainte. These figures were on loan from Goya's collection. |
Next time it will be Austrians - promise!
Sorry to see the wear and tear on the hut, I would be upset if mine took damage, it's 'my precious'.
The photos of the game are really impressive, lots of cavalry, even two units of Carabiniers! Hougoumont does however bear a certain resemblance to La Haye Sainte, it's a shame Airfix never went the whole ten yards.
Don't sweat the Austrians, you'll get there - after my latest WW2 terrain spurt (which just has a couple of roadblocks left to complete) I hope to get back to some more 20mil Naps.
Vintage Waterloo looks splendid!
Fortunately the roof itself is fine and no leaks - so far!
Thanks Mike - it certainly was splendid!
Bad news about the roof but I guess it could have been a lot worse the way the storm was. The Vintage Waterloo is a real joy to behold, what great pictures, so many goodies on show.
Thanks Donnie, Vintage Waterloo was one of the best Wargames I’ve ever played in and yes, it was crammed with goodies!
Commiserations on the storm damage. I'm hugely pleased the roof has held out intact. Our storms all come from the South West....except for the sneaky one from the North East that did the real damage. Weather, eh? You can't trust it. Two regiments of carabiniers, eh? Did they fight?
Now that I can't remember but there were two regiments of Scots Greys as well so probably!
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