I did say that the next unit would be something not quite so French and I would say Belgians fit the bill quite nicely. So this is where I have got to so far -
These are DN/1 Officer (charging) looking remarkably like the famous Belgian detective. |
This is a conversion of BN/12 Drummer (playing). I snipped off his pack and added a Belgian one - clever eh? |
Test figures for the Grenadier company (left) using DN/3 Private (charging) and the Light company (right) using DN/2 Private (firing). |
And this of course is a paint conversion of BN/13 Ensign Regiment Colour. I'm quite please with how he turned out. |
This unit has waited far too long in the lead-pile and I'm pleased to be finally starting on them.
A bit different and nice to see. All that leaf work all round the standard must’ve taken a while?
Very nice - I think the drummer has to be one of my favourite HH sculpts.
Lovely stuff!! One of my favourite Napoleonic armies, great start and some top notch painting on some lovely figures.
Looking good and i'm sure the British will be pleased to have allies.
Rob, I managed to paint the detail all in one session so about an hour and a half. It was just one of those times when everything goes right!
Matt, this particular casting had several defects so I had to add a drum stick and build up one hand as well as fill holes in the base.
Donnie’s, yes the much maligned Belgians and it’s good to have a unit I can deploy on the wrong side of any ridge!
Thanks Stephen and I’m sure the Duke will be glad to have them on board!
Great post title Ian!
Looking forward to seeing the unit completed as it will make a nice contrast within the Allied lines. Wonderful paint job as always :)
Thanks Lee, I was going to call them the Thompson Twins but then I remembered that they were supposed to be British not Belgians!
These chaps look terrific. A cheering sight for a wet Monday!
Thanks Tony, glad they helped your day along!
I didn't see that coming! (A line which ought to be in The Film, somewhere). These are really elegant, especially the drummer. I'm relieved to hear that it wasn't an immaculate BN12 into which you sank your scalpel....as for the colours, well, nice. Seriously nice. I'm tempted to field my similarly nice Hanoverian colours, which I didn't paint.
Thanks Nigel, and yes no pristine castings were hurt in the making of this command group! Hanoverians, hmmm there's an idea...
Love the Belgians and especially the firing casting with the oh so Hinton Hunt over the shoulder rifle butt. These should make for a stunning unit!
Lovely work there Ian…
I am looking forward to seeing the finished unit…
All the best. Aly
Thanks David, I’m enjoying myself working through these!
Cheers Aly, they should look good!
I love everything about these. It's going to be a stunning unit!
Very well done on the flag, and the drummer is perfect.
Best regards
Thanks Matthew, the figures are very nice which helps with the painting motivation!
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