Thanks to Ken, who sent me details of the flag carried by the Guard Marines, I have been able to complete my eagle-bearer for the unit. I used a reproduction casting of FN/4 Colour bearer (charging) which is notably flimsy compared to vintage castings however as I’ve now run out of these he’s had to step in.
The whole time that I was tackling the flag I was wishing Wellington Man was doing the job for me as I knew I wouldn’t be able to produce anything like the two amazing flags he painted for me last year. However, I persevered and in the end I’m pretty pleased with the result which is the best hand painted flag I’ve done so far for this project (and yes Ken, I did paint tiny anchors in each corner of the flag!).

Finally as you can see, I also repainted the waistcoats on my officers red as I was finding the white jumped out too much. Looking at uniform prints on the web it would appear that both colours were in use for the marines but I thought the red blended in better with the rest of the unit.
Don't do yourself down, the standard is beautifully painted. I have enjoyed watching this unit come to life over the last few posts and look forward to more.
Lovely work again!
I nearly choked when I read the word "reproduction" but I'm feeling better now!
Thanks Rob - I've enjoyed that too as this unit has evolved beyond what I originally envisaged!
Matt - yes appalling on a blog entitled "Vintage" but sometimes these things just happen!
You don't need anyone to paint flags for you, Ian. That's stunning work.
I've just finished painting a recast too, if that's any consolation.
Thanks WM but it's your flags that pushed me to make more effort!
The red waistcoats are stunning Ian. The epitome of sartorial elegance.
Nothing but the best for my troops LG!
I agree with WM. Super work, Ian!
Cheers Tony!
The Flag looks great. The extra effort spent on the flag brings the unit to life and makes it so much more attractive to the eye.
Of course with this unit they are marines and every one loves a sailor.
Well, all the nice girls do at least Mark!
Man, he looks good!
Why don't those girls love sapeurs? They could take their pick.
Quality job there Ian. I'm really impressed that your went all out to make that flag such a good addition to the unit.
LG - Boom boom!
Cheers Ken!
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