‘Yes, it’s Robert E Lee on his faithful horse Traveller.’ says I.
‘Are you going to put it on your blog?’
‘No, I can’t do that it’s not Hinton Hunt.’
‘It’s your blog you can do what you like!’
‘Good point.’ I thought.
The mounted figures are 15mm ACW figures by Freikorp. Their series of personality figures are full of character and I just had to paint ole’ Bobby Lee. The foot figure is a Polly Oliver 15mm (more like 18mm) Rebel infantryman now produced by AB figures. These have to be absolutely the best 15mm ACW figures ever produced.
The group forms a command stand for a Fire & Fury project I am (slowly) working on. My aim is to produce enough figures to play a game based on the fight for Henry House Hill. Now, I know Lee wasn’t present at Bull Run but as FreiKorp don’t produce a figure for Beauregard he will be standing in. After all, who ever heard of playing an ACW game without Lee?
...and you a Union Man says I, while humming "Rally Round The Flag, Boys"...
Post Meade and once again you can sing "The Battle Cry of Freedom"!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I have to have a few Rebs for my boys to shoot at!
I don't have Meade but I will post McClellan and Hooker to balance things up. Meantime let me lead you in a couple of rousing choruses of "Marching through Georgia"...
...thanks for the heads up on the AB range - I'm in the very beginnings of a 15mm ACW project myself so always on the lookout for good figure idea's.... I'd recommend the Peter Pig range as well...
...thanks for the link to the 211 Squadron site - that was interesting reading... only 18"!
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