Friday, 14 February 2025

Hungarian Grenadier

This is the test figure for my next unit which will be comprised of Hungarian Grenadiers in the firing position AN.33 Grenadier, firing. I've been wanting to paint this unit for a long time so I'm pleased to finally have them on the painting desk. When finished this will bring my total number of Austrian infantry units to 8 which I consider to be a respectable size for an army.

There's a lot of detail on these figures but they deserve the extra painting effort.

The figure pictured is a vintage casting but I will also be using some rather nice reproduction figures to make up the numbers.

I'm going with the facing colour and white on the bearskin patch which may not be historically accurate but looks good.

Now some of you may remember that my 51st Gabriel Spleny regiment has a 6-figure company of Grenadiers in its ranks. These figures will be transferred to the Grenadier battalion and their numbers made up with musketeers. I know some of you may object to me tinkering with the old regimental establishment but we must change with the times and anyway, the old unit can easily be reconstituted if needed.


Rob said...

Very nice, Austrian (or Hungarian) uniforms come out well in a retro-sytle paint job. Eight battalions is a pretty good force; I'm currently working on a unit that will bring my French up to four infantry units which is really about the minimum for a decent game. I also think the unit tinkering is a good idea, Austrian grenadiers always look wrong to me if not in separate combined units - are yours going to have a mix of facings from the two parent regiments?

Donnie McGibbon said...

Beautiful! Lovely work on a cracking figure, a regiment of them is going to look stunning I would think.

Stryker said...

Rob, I’m going to have 4 x 6 figures each 6 with different facings. Not historically accurate but it fits with my 6-figure ‘company’ organisation.

Stryker said...

Thanks Donnie, I think they should look quite colourful.

Wellington Man said...

Your Austrian army absolutely needs extra grenadiers, so I'm all in favour of this! It's guarenteed to be an absolutely spectacular battalion if this wee chap is anything to go by.

Stryker said...

Thanks WM, I'm hopping they will justify at least an 'A' grading!

Matt said...

Looking good. Austrian Grenadier uniforms are the best of the bunch.

Stryker said...

They have a certain something don’t they?

Aly Morrison said...

Very nice indeed…
I do like the Hungarian uniforms… The white with the sky blue is a very attractive combination.
The finished unit should look splendid…

All the best. Aly

Bob Spruster said...

They are going to look great standing with their German brothers!

Stryker said...

Thanks Aly.

Stryker said...

I hope so Bob!

'Lee. said...

Oh, he's a little beauty that one Ian! That white/red/blue combo is just so impressive.

Tiberian general said...

Wonderful painted figure.


the Archduke said...

You've saved the best to last., and this is a very fine figure, is he not? I'm pleased to see that nobody has objected to your obviously correct procedure of combining your grenadiers. It's simply the right thing to do. So there. Ausgezeichnet!

Stryker said...

Thanks Lee!

Stryker said...

Thank you Willz.

Stryker said...

Danke Nigel!

David said...

That Grenadier is enough to make me lament the error of my ways in not having an Austrian army!

Stryker said...

It’s never too late to get an Austrian army David…