I’ve been braving the arctic conditions in the Hinton Hut
(currently 6°C
inside and 1°C
outside) to work through the Prussian firing figures and have finally finished
them. Now they just need a couple more coats of varnish and then basing.
In the end I did decide to designate these as Fusiliers hence the black straps. The figures in the front row still have wet varnish on them which is why they look a bit misty. |
They actually turned out to be quite a lot of work as
half of them needed bayonets replacing which I did by splicing in musket ends
from some spare poor quality donor castings. The paint touch-up also turned out
to be pretty much fully repainting them. I couldn’t salvage Clive’s standard bearer
who had been converted from a charging figure, so this has been replaced with a
PN5 (the figure without a musket) in keeping with my other Prussian units.
Overall, they are not the best unit in my army, but I
think they will pass muster.